Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Paco Arjona, director of Solidaridad Ed Thomas A.C. (SETAC) the GLBT Community Center announces the "4th Annual Duckaton," to be held Wednesday, February 20th, from 7-11 pm, on the poolside terrace of Boana Torre Malibu, Amapas #325.
Your donation provides an evening of live music and entertainment, food from some of Vallarta's finest restaurants, and an open bar. Enjoy the festivities while you anxiously watch and wait for the "swimming boys" to collect the toy ducks in the pool and call out your number to see which of the fabulous prizes - donated by the some of the wonderful sponsors from the Puerto Vallarta business community - you can win.
The SETAC GLBT Community Center, located at the corner of Constitucion #427 and Manuel Dieguez, has for the past three years offered a variety of services meant to improve the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender (GLBT) community as well as their families and friends. A network of GLBT and non-GLBT communities creates opportunities for members of both to experience, learn, and participate in our common goals and services which benefit hundreds in the Puerto Vallarta communities.
Just some of the things SETAC provides for our community are: The Community Center hosts English classes and AA meetings (to provide the 12 step program for drug and alcohol addiction in English and Spanish;) free walk-in HIV and Syphilis rapid testing and counseling along with the promotion of safe sex through education and availability of condom for the asking; mothers living with HIV are provided free formulas for their babies along with counseling and moral support; a Psychologist is available on site Tuesday, and Friday from 4 pm to 7 pm; movies are shown every Tuesday night at 7:30 pm; and much, much more. All are welcome!
Bracelets for the Duckaton are available at the SETAC Community Center for a $400 pesos donation, at the door for $500 pesos, and $250 pesos for locals. For further information regarding the event or any of the services provided please call (322) 224-1974. Donations like yours make this ministry of service and support possible for hundreds of Vallarta residents who otherwise could be alone and ignored.

Click HERE to learn more about Centro Comunitario SETAC-GLBT.