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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Three Impeding Factors to Breakthrough Liu Weidong
Some analysts believe that the United States, Canada and Mexico did not achieve any essential breakthrough in security, trade cooperation or other issues. Why did the summit fail to make a breakthrough?
Protesting Too Far Chatham Daily News
In a sad case of shooting the messenger, protesters assaulted the cameraman who was taping them to broadcast the images into the site of the North American leaders' summit this week in Quebec.
Why America's Pullout From Vietnam Was a Success Michael Hirsh
The Soviet Union was in its final days of existence when I visited Vietnam in late December of 1991. The cold war was about to end forever with the collapse of one of the two adversaries that had kept it going for 40-odd years.
To Dream With New Ideals Paco Calderon
As we begin the new millenium, one can take stock of what has been and is now the gay Mexican movement, to look at the circumstances for gays in the social reality of our country and our struggle to live together inclusively.
Dennis Kucinich for President Phil Hoskins
This is a call to arms for Democrats, those of you who know our country is headed down the toilet and who hope to see a pulse in their party’s Presidential hopefuls.
The War As We Saw It Buddhika Jayamaha, Wesley D. Smith, Jeremy Roebuck, Omar Mora, Edward Sandmeier, Yance T. Gray & Jeremy A. Murphy
The claim that we are increasingly in control of the battlefields in Iraq is an assessment arrived at through a flawed, American-centered framework.
Intransigence and Incompetence at the PRD Circus Allan Wall
Is the PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution) a modern leftist party that is capable of governing Mexico? Judging from its latest party convention, its Congreso Nacional, the answer would be a big fat "No."
The Fine Art of Bad Elections John Ross
In its most revealing set of elections since the July 2006 fraud-marred presidential balloting, this not-so-distant neighbor nation proved conclusively that its electoral system is irreparably broken.
The Myth of Mitt Romney Deroy Murdock
With his confident style and crowd-pleasing smile, Ames, Iowa, straw-poll winner Willard Mitt Romney looks like a formidable contender for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination. If he's lucky, he can leave voters so dazzled that they ignore his record.
Harper, Bush and Calderon Secretly Plot Future of North America Myles Higgins
In a strongly worded warning to all Canadians, (after Stephen Harper reneged on his promise over resource revenues and circumvented the intent of the Atlantic Accord contract), Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams said, “Be careful, if he can do it to us he can do it to you”. There may never have been a more prophetic statement made by a Canadian politician.
Iraq War: Democrats Will Stay the Course Stewart A. Alexander
These days the presidential candidates for the Democratic Party are sounding more like replacement candidates for Bush on the issue of ending the Iraq War.
Americans From 18 to 42 Should Expect SPP-Inspired Military Draft Guy Pelletier
It is basic commonsense that Americans from 18 to 42 should expect a military draft, perhaps in the not too distant future. Why, you might enquire? After all, the U.S. Bush administration along with the Pentagon has officially rejected the idea of a draft.
Selling Out America! Alan Caruba
On August 20-21, in Montebello, Quebec, secure behind a cordon of fifteen miles maintained by the Canadian Mounted Police, Security Quebec, and reportedly even the U.S. Army, the leaders of America, Mexico, and Canada will meet to further discuss the Security and Prosperity Partnership and, no doubt, the Trans-Texas Corridor.
Immigration as Advantage Larry James
Here's how I would manage the current national immigration situation if I were charged with developing a new and rational public policy approach to the complex challenge.
Terrorists Pose as Immigrants TheTrumpet.com
Islamic extremists fluent in Spanish are entering the United States posing as Hispanic nationals, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration report. Mexican drug cartels have formed partnerships with terror networks, multiplying the danger posed by illegal immigration.
Yet Again, The Democrats Roll Over Helen Thomas
President Bush has the Democrats' number on Capitol Hill. All he has to do is play the fear card and invoke the war on terror and they will cave.
New Boots a Final Misstep in US Border Trek Tim Gaynor
Sand coloured with a tough plastic sole, the new boots looked just the job for walking across the searing desert. They were sturdy on the feet of my walking companion. But a few miles into the trek, they began to pinch, rub and chafe, causing blisters that would be the last straw as our trip unraveled.
Dear President Harper David Frum
It's not essential to know that the Canadian federal government is headed by a prime minister rather than a president. But it couldn't hurt.
Karl Rove Resigning, Uses Classic Copout as Reason for Leaving White House Freddie Mooche
Rove resigns, perhaps in strategizing what role he could best serve in advising the next GOP presidential candidate for the good of the Republican party.
The Cheney Affair Ted Lang
The revelation of Vice President Dick Cheney's total unilateral control over all levels and branches of American government has not only raised eyebrows and concerns of dictatorship, but for those politically astute, begs the question as to why the Washington Post would be the journalistic vehicle to publish the four-part June 24 through June 27 series exposing this reality.
Free Education is Possible Peace and Freedom Party
Millions of students preparing for college this fall are facing higher tuitions, but Peace and Freedom Party Presidential Candidate Stewart A. Alexander has an ambitious plan to provide college students a free education through university level.
Governor Emilio González Opposes Condoms Juan Carlos García
The Governor of Jalisco, Emilio González Márquez (PAN), recently made some incredibly uninformed statements about condom use, HIV, young people, and gay men. Perhaps he intended his comments to be funny, but the result was insulting.
Canadians' Complicity in Mexican Street Violence Mandeep Dhillon
Often, language around Canada-based solidarity work with the struggles of indigenous communities, campesino and labour movements in Mexico distorts the responsibility of Canadian governmental and corporate players in the violence which has engendered those movements.
Canada and Bush's North American Union Project Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay
Look for a very strong backlash coming from the Canadian people, but also from the American and Mexican people, once they clearly understand what the Bush-Calderon-Harper trio has been concocting in near complete secrecy and with nearly no public debate whatsoever, over the last few years.
Mexico After The Elections: The Crisis of Legitimacy & The Exhaustion of Predatory Neoliberalism Alejandro Álvarez Béjar
The Mexican general elections of July 2006 produced an official result that some felt was “very typical of advanced democracies.” But this result defied Mexican political experience, resulting in a major legitimacy crisis.
The Plans for Economic Integration Phyllis Schlafly
Canada in the summer and Mexico in the spring offer good weather for planning international policies. Nervousness about the political weather, however, is putting the third Security and Prosperity Partnership summit at a site where the uninvited can be easily excluded.
Marshall Plan Needed to Build Mexico's Economy, Stem Immigrant Tide Dawson Thomas Rauch
I'm not going to address the question of what to do with the immigrants already residing in the country. Instead I'm going to propose measures that I think should be taken to drastically reduce the flood of new immigrants.
US, Mexico Should Resolve Dispute About Extradition Honolulu Star Bulletin
This week's Mexican court ruling that extradition would violate the statute of limitations, if it survives appeal, should end the Duane "Dog" Chapman case. The two governments should resolve the issue of transborder captures of fugitives with amendments to their 1978 extradition treaty to prevent future conflicts.
Mexico Wages War on Drug Lords and Corruption of Federal Police Austin Bay
Mexico is at war. No, not a war with the United States about immigration, although the war for stability and modernity Mexico is waging has profound effects on that hot-button North American issue.
Grab Cuba's Outstretched Hand Luc de Barochez
In Cuba, the interregnum is settling in for the duration. This weekend, Raul Castro begins his second year as head of state. The transition is underway, but the Castros' dictatorship is still there.
A Dangerous Pact with Canada, Mexico Arnie Alpert
The much-discussed "NAFTA Superhighway" may be an urban myth. But like many myths, this one is solidly rooted in reality, in this case the details of the little known Security and Prosperity Partnership between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
The Democrats' Gun Owner-Bashing YouTube Moment Michelle Malkin
"To all the candidates, tell me your position on gun control, as myself and other Americans really want to know if our babies are safe." The YouTube citizen questioner then pulled out his Bushmaster AR-15. "This is my 'baby,' purchased under the 1994 gun ban. Please tell me your views. Thank you."
The Crash of 1929: Are We on the Verge of a Repeat? Scott Thill
News flash: The American economy is a hyperreality engineered by Ph.D.s working hand-in-hand with colluding media multinationals, political officials and some of the biggest names in business - and the banks that invest in them. In other news, greed is still good.
Presidential Candidate Wants Iraq Vote on Ballots Peace and Freedom Party
The Peace and Freedom Party has remained completely opposed to the Iraq War and occupation; even before the invasion on March 19, 2003. Party presidential hopeful Stewart Alexander wants the American forces withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately.
Patriot Abuse Janet Nocek
When the USA Patriot Act was being reauthorized in 2005, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales claimed that not one single abuse of the "national security letters" provision had been reported. It must be his poor memory that caused Mr. Gonzales to tell Congress that no abuse had been reported.
Rescue Mexico From US Guns Christian Science Monitor
It's not only poverty propelling Mexicans into the US. Rising gun violence by drug gangs, and lately a military surge against them, have driven many to cross the border. And where do these drug cartels get their arsenal of weapons? El Norte, of course.
A Way Out of the Immigration Mess Mike Krauss
In order to resolve the crisis of illegal immigration into the U.S., it is important to understand who these people are and what they want. What drives them to make an always arduous, often perilous and sometimes fatal journey is the search for opportunity and more specifically, work.
Another PM, Another Latin American Dalliance Jeffrey Simpson
Every Canadian prime minister discovers "Latin America" and then forgets about it. Perhaps Stephen Harper will be different, although it's hard to know why.
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