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A Mother's Pain
Cindy Sheehan

The only thing I ever wanted to be my entire life was a Mom. I never even thought of having a career, because I always wanted to have babies. My own family was pretty dysfunctional when I was growing up, and I just wanted to have a family of my own to love and nurture.more »»»

Sex Workers Show Red Light to AIDS at Global Forum
Catherine Hours

With the crack of a whip and swish of maracas, dozens of prostitutes from Bangladesh to Brazil and from Cambodia to Canada demanded recognition of their frontline role in the war on AIDS.more »»»

Gates Says Female AIDS Protection Key

A cream, gel or pill that women can use to protect themselves from the AIDS virus is key to stopping the AIDS pandemic, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who has given hundreds of millions of dollars to HIV programs, said on Sunday.more »»»

Third Annual Nancy's Retreat

Nancy Irsay invites you to share her vision of philanthropic causes and empowering women. The third annual Nancy's Retreat is a unique getaway for women, offering a break from hectic lives and an opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, and refresh the spirit.more »»»

Rape and Sexual Assault Survivor Group in Puerto Vallarta

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted recently, or if it happened to you a long time ago but changed your life, therapist Sueanne Hagemann invites you to join a Free Rape and Sexual Assault Survivor Group that she is starting in Puerto Vallarta.more »»»

Breast Isn't Best: Readers Tell US Parenting Magazine
Jocelyne Zablit

Readers of a US parenting magazine are crying foul over the publication's latest cover depicting a woman breastfeeding, with some calling the photo offensive and disgusting.more »»»

The Bikini's Beginnings
Associated Press

It figures: The bikini was created by men. It happened 60 years ago in — again, no surprise — France. But it's women, and largely Hollywood stars of the 1950s, who embraced the belly-baring bathing suit and haven't let go.more »»»

San Miguel de Allende Rape Saga Has Lessons for Locals, Expatriate Americans Alike
Alfredo Corchado & Angela Kocherga

For almost a year, a man preyed on older women here, sexually assaulting his victims, eluding authorities and causing many residents to re-evaluate the lifestyle of this town, long a haven for expatriates.more »»»

Report: Women Misled on Abortion Risks
Associated Press

Women who consult with pregnancy resource centers often get misleading information about the health risks associated with having an abortion, according to a report issued this week by Democrats on the House Government Reform Committee.more »»»

Kids Getting 'Thinspiration' from Dangerously Thin Stars
ABC News

Research shows 80 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat, and many of them are getting "thinspiration" from the growing list of young Hollywood celebrities who seem to be shrinking before our eyes.more »»»

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Gals Trips A Real Fiesta

There's a real need for women to get together and rejuvenate. Girlfriends traveling to Puerto Vallarta together through Mexican Destinations enjoy everything from beach side massage treatments and shopping tours, to catered meals and margarita parties.more »»»

Sex is Essential, Kids Aren't
David P. Barash

The German public was recently shocked to learn that 30% of "their" women are childless — the highest proportion of any country in the world. And this is not a result of infertility; it's intentional childlessness.more »»»

Hand Made Crochet Swimsuits by UjENA

What are the hottest ladies swimsuits on the planet? Check out these hand knit crochet bikinis by UjENA. Sexy and unmistakably unique. Every single suit is custom made to order, just for you.more »»»

HPV Vaccine Advised for Girls
David Brown

The committee of experts that advises the federal government on immunization policy yesterday recommended that the new vaccine that prevents most cases of cervical cancer be given to all 11- and 12-year-old girlsmore »»»

Still Sexy After All These Years
Marysol Castro

It may be itsy-bitsy, but the bikini has left a rather large mark on pop culture, which is exactly what Frenchmen Louis Heard and Jacques Heim must have been thinking back in 1946.more »»»

Are Flip-Flops Damaging Your Career?
Belinda Goldsmith

With more women wearing flip-flops to the office this summer, U.S. style gurus are warning that the casual shoe once mainly seen on the beach could be damaging to careers - as well as to feet.more »»»

Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping Can Prevent Anemia

Just a two-minute delay in clamping a baby's umbilical cord can boost the child's iron reserves and prevent anemia for months, report nutritionists at the University of California, Davis.more »»»

Study: Obesity Raises Risk of Breast Cancers

Women who gain weight as adults face a higher lifetime risk of all types of breast cancer, researchers reported this week. The study adds to a large body of evidence showing that weight and breast cancer can be closely linked.more »»»

More Women Choosing Single Motherhood
Deborah Apton

Single women choosing to be single moms. It's a scenario that was once taboo - even discouraged. Now it's a growing trend. With more women focusing on their educations and careers, relationships are often put on the back burner. That is until a woman's biological clock goes off, usually around age 35.more »»»

Protect Your Chest and Breasts
ABC Health

As the temperature goes up, necklines come down. Tank tops, sundresses and bikinis are fun to wear in the hot summer weather, but they expose a lady's normally covered chestline to serious sun damage.more »»»

No Bikini Necessary
Sue Fornoff

Renowned personal trainer and fitness instructor, Margot Rutigliano, invites women of all ages to relax, shape up and have some fun in the sun at her Bikini Boot Camp, a six night health inspired adventure in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.more »»»

A Lift for Faces - and Moods?
Susan Brink

Inspired by age-old literary wisdom, countless song lyrics and the 1872 musings of Charles Darwin, a very 2006 theory to treat depression has emerged. Why not turn that frown upside down — with a shot of Botox? By preventing the physical act of frowning, the muscle-paralyzing toxin just might ease depression.more »»»

Unwanted Pregnancies Rise for Poor Women
Marc Kaufman

Poor women in America are increasingly likely to have unwanted pregnancies, whereas relatively affluent women are succeeding more and more in getting pregnant only when they want to, according to a study analyzing federal statistics.more »»»

Antioxidants Don't Help, May Harm During Pregnancy
Megan Rauscher

Among women pregnant for the first time, antioxidant vitamins supplementation does not appear to curb the risk of developing preeclampsia - that is, pregnancy-related high blood pressure and kidney impairment - and other serious complications.more »»»

Wombs for Rent, Cheap
Henry Chu

As temp jobs go, Saroj Mehli has landed what she feels is a pretty sweet deal. It's a nine-month gig, no special skills needed, and the only real labor comes at the end — when she gives birth.more »»»

Sleep Disorders: Not Just a Man's Problem

If you think of an overweight man when you think of sleep disorders, then meet Martha Yasso. She was recently diagnosed with hypopnea, a condition where breathing becomes shallower or slower than normal during sleep.more »»»

Propecia May Help Restore Hair Loss in Women

When used with oral contraceptives, the male hair-loss medication finasteride (brand named Propecia) may also help improve hair loss in women. "This treatment was well accepted by the patients, who judged the results to be even better than the investigators," a team from the University of Bologna reported.more »»»

April Events at Cornerstone Hospital

In April, Cornerstone Hospital is planning a series of health-related activities and events designed to keep you healthy and happy all month long. From some great support groups to Skin Clinics and check-ups, the staff at Cornerstone is ready to assist you in any way they can. more »»»

New HIV/AIDS Cases on the Rise in Women and Girls

As of 2004, 27 percent of new AIDS cases in the United States were in women - and women of color, especially African American women, made up the majority of these new cases, according to the US Centers for Disease and Prevention.more »»»

Take a Vacation and Get a New Face
Sergio de Leon

It's normal to return from vacation with a deep tan, but what about coming home with bigger breasts, a newly sculpted nose, a nip and tuck and some wrinkle removal.more »»»

Boobs as Souvenirs - E’s Plastic Surgery Secrets

A recent special on E Entertainment channel featured a segment on plastic surgery outside the US. Shown as “vacation and surgery” and “surgery summer camp,” this segment featured Laura Lee’s experience with traveling to Brazil for breast implants.more »»»

Why Aren't Drugs Tested on Pregnant Women?
ABC News

As soon as Rebecca Oliver knew she was pregnant, she stopped taking three prescription drugs she relies on to control her asthma and bronchitis. Doctors could not assure her that the drugs were safe for her and her baby.more »»»

Could this be the End of Roe V Wade?
Clare Murphy

The South Dakota legislators who have approved a bill all but outlawing abortions in the sparsely populated state have loftier aims - an end to the Supreme Court ruling which made terminations legal across America more than 30 years ago.more »»»

Major Abortion Case Goes to US Justices
David G. Savage

The US Supreme Court set the stage Tuesday for a major ruling on abortion by agreeing to decide whether Congress can outlaw what critics call "partial-birth" abortions through the second trimester of a pregnancy.more »»»

Britain Defies US with Funding to Boost Safe Abortion Services
Sarah Boseley

The British government will today publicly defy the United States by giving money for safe abortion services in developing countries to organisations that have been cut off from American funding.more »»»

Women Sue Wal-Mart Over Morning-After Pill
Associated Press

Backed by abortion rights groups, three Massachusetts women sued Wal-Marty, accusing the retail giant of violating a state regulation by failing to stock emergency contraception pills in its pharmacies.more »»»

Lights, Camera - Now Smile - Action!
Len Greenough

With the New Year practically one month old, if you haven't already done so, it's time to consider a new you. You've seen the self-help books. They all say the same thing. Truthfully, the answers all lie within you. So you'd better get busy.more »»»

Puerto Vallarta Bikini Model Image Awards

On Sept 3, 2006, Puerto Vallarta will host the 1st Annual International Bikini Model Image Awards, as part of the 21st Annual International Bikini Jam Week 2006. Over 200 bikini models and photographers from over ten countries will be competing.more »»»

Battle to Legalize Abortion Heats Up in Brazil
Todd Benson

Although abortion is outlawed in Brazil except in rare circumstances, the country has one of the highest abortion rates in the developing world. The Health Ministry estimates that 31 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion.more »»»

This Is Going To Disappoint Some People...
Susan Heavey

Pregnant women coached through their first delivery do not fare much better than those who just do what feels natural. Researchers found that women who were told to push 10 minutes for every contraction gave birth 13 minutes faster than those who were not given specific instructions.more »»»

Academics to Tackle Fashion's Bottom Line

It is one of the most fundamental - and, for men, potentially hazardous - questions of modern life, for which academics now hope to provide the definitive answer: "Does my butt look big in this?"more »»»

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