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Splish! Splash! R.I.S.E. Kids Descend on Casa El Tigre for Afternoon of Fun with Seth Cloutman
Roberta Rand

With its broad terraces and spectacular view of Banderas Bay, Casa El Tigre is most notable for hosting elegant dinner parties thrown by Chefs Seth Cloutman and Cristhian Rios. But recently, the kids of Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza enjoyed the casa's garden and pool for an afternoon.

A Good Time Was Had By All at the 2010 Becas Vallarta Ball
Polly G. Vicars

With the most tickets sold, most money raised, and most good will and generosity displayed by the incredible people of Puerto Vallarta in the form of sponsors, attendees and Silent Auction buyers, Becas Ball 2010 may have surpassed all those that came before.

Puerto Vallarta Town Meeting: Who's Who in Public Security
Kelly Trainor de O.

The U.S. Consular Agency of Puerto Vallarta invites the English speaking community (residents and visitors) to a Town Meeting with Mexican Authorities in Puerto Vallarta at 10:30 am on Wednesday, March 24th 2010 at the Hotel Marriott Casa Magna in Marina Vallarta.

Second 'Becas in Action' School Tour on March 24
Polly G. Vicars

On the second 'Becas in Action' School Tour on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, we will visit Escuela Secundaría Técnica 132-Coapinole, a junior high, La Escuela Preparatoría Regional de Puerto Vallarta, a high school and Instituto Technológico Superior de Puerto Vallarta (ITSPV) a university.

March 20 Charreada to Benefit Puerto Vallarta Navy League
Bill Clark

The Puerto Vallarta Navy League's Mexican Charreada (Rodeo) on March 20th will be the first of an annual fundraising event to assist in supporting the community activities of the Sea Services, which include painting and building repairs of Non-profit organizations in the Banderas Bay area.

Better Than E-Bay Becas Ball Silent Auction
Polly G. Vicars

Trips to exotic locals in Mexico, meals in 5 star restaurants, original art, exquisite objects de art... these are some of the items you can bid on at the Becas Ball on March 11. There are over 30 fabulous prizes for you to bid on between your dining and dancing from 6:30 until 10 pm.

3rd Vallarta Ecological Festival 2010 Saturday, March 13 2010
Ohio Snaps

Vallarta Verde invites one and all to come out to La Huerta Restaurant in Paso Ancho on Saturday, March 13th from 12 pm to 12 am for the 3rd Annual Vallarta Ecological Festival - a fun-filled day of music, education, culture and art with the aim of keeping Puerto Vallarta a healthy place to live.

Puerto Vallarta Blood Drive on March 24
Pamela Thompson

It is a daily battle searching for blood for critical patients in our local hospitals, so please join us for the Puerto Vallarta Blood Drive on March 24 at Los Mangos Library. If you do not qualify as a donor, please consider donating your time or cookies, juice or gift bag items for the donors.

Destination:PEACE Announces Luxury Accommodations at Ayia, in Punta Mita, Mexico
Katherine Fisher

The newest trend in travel includes volunteer vacations, and Destination:PEACE Volunteer Vacations has joined forces with the luxury condo community, Ayia Punta Mita - an amazing resting place for the volunteer participants after a life changing day working with PEACE Mexico.

International Women’s Day Conference

International Women’s Day is a day of global celebration for the achievement of women! Here in Puerto Vallarta, the CasaMagna Marriott Resort and Spa will be hosting Joy Phoenix who will present 'Instant Empowerment,' a free motivational conference for women on March 8th at 5 pm.

March US Consular Agency Community Network Breakfast
Kelly Trainor de O.

The U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta, in conjunction with Community Service projects in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco and Riviera Nayarit, sponsors a monthly Network Breakfast. In March, the Community Network Breakfast will be at the No Name Bar & Grill in Nuevo Vallarta on Friday the 19th at 9 am.

Traditional Charreada Benefit for the Puerto Vallarta Navy League
Bill Clark

The Puerto Vallarta Navy League invites you to it's traditional Mexican Charreada (Rodeo) with the performance of the best team in Jalisco, Horsemen (Charros) and skirmishes, on March 20th, 2010, at 11:00 am. If you like Charros (cowboys) and horses and pageantry, this is a very exciting event.

HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta March 2010 Newsletter
Pamela Thompson

This is going to be short and sweet with another juicier newsletter to follow next week. We are working on some very interesting and lively group gatherings. Updates will be released as more information becomes available, but here are a few of the clinics scheduled for the coming weeks.

2010 Becas Ball: Do Gooders Have More Fun
Polly G. Vicars

On March 11th, Puerto Vallarta’s Who’s Who will gather for the 2010 Becas Ball, and I guarantee the mood will once again reflect the generosity, joy and magic of this Paradise by the Sea. The Ball, "Fete du Nuít" (Festival of the Night), begins at 6:30 pm at Club Regina in Marina Vallarta.

Vallarta Jewish Community Passover Seder
Mel Bornstein

The Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community is having a Passover Seder Dinner at The River Cafe on March 29th at 6 pm - and you and your family and friends are invited. A full course dinner of typical Seder food and wine will be served for $450 pesos per person.

Becas Brunch & Fashion Show at La Leche Another Fabulous Event
Polly G. Vicars

The first ever Becas Brunch and Fashion Show at La Leche on February 17 was a huge success! From the garden to the second dining and front areas, happy attendees were chatting with each other, reading the latest Becas newsletter and buying raffle tickets, which netted a total of $15,400 pesos!

2010 Puerto Vallarta Writers' Conference Individual Tickets for Feature Presentations
Barbara Sands

Of interest to those who cannot attend the 2010 Writers' Conference, Biblioteca Los Mangos will be selling 'Feature Presentation' tickets at the door for $250 pesos for each presentation. This represents a fund raiser for the Library. There will also be t-shirts and hats on sale.

American School of Puerto Vallarta 7th Annual Golf Tournament
Elena Garza

The American School of Puerto Vallarta's 7th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on March 6 at Vista Vallarta Golf Club. The money raised will support school improvements projects and ASPV's Leer y Crecer' program, which provides books for and promotes reading in Puerto Va11arta's public schools.

February Heart Talks: Lynn Rogers Ph.D at Cornerstone
Pamela Thompson

As HealthCare Resources continues our Heart Talks series, we are proud to welcome Lynn Rogers, Ph.D presenting 'Heart to Heart' on February 26 at Hospital Cornerstone. We will explore the impact of heart problems on you and your loved ones and identify specific tools for living your best life.

Duckaton Fundraiser for SETAC Center at Torre Malibu
Ed Thomas

On February 24th from 5-11 pm you can have fun while supporting the SETAC GLBT Community Center at the 2010 Duckaton on the Boana Torre Malibu's poolside terrace. You'll enjoy live music, entertainment by Joanna, Diva and Cassandra, free food, an open bar and great prizes - all for a good cause!

Joy Carol Returning to PV
Irene McKinley

Internationally-known speaker and pastor, Joy Carol, will be returning to Puerto Vallarta to speak at Christian Community Church from 10 to 12 on February 23rd. Her presentation is open to the public and there is no charge. She will also speak on Sunday, February 28th at both the 8:30 and 9:45 services.

Arts for Heart Auction - A Call For Help!
Mercedes Sanchez

On March 4th, La Cuiza Gallery & Bar on the Isla Rio Cuale will be hosting an art auction to raise money for 1-1/2 year old Angela, who was born with a damaged heart. Angela is the daughter of La Cuiza featured artist, Amed Rahem, who needs your help to cover the cost of her next operation.

BECAS Tour Of Three Schools
Polly G. Vicars

On February 10, a group of Becas Compadres and other Becas Vallarta A.C./American-Mexico Foundation, Inc. supporters joined Linda Azcarate, Pat Bendix, Linda Wirth and me on a chartered bus tour to some of Vallarta’s public schools that are changing students lives with their excellent programs.

Puerto Vallarta Navy League Fundraiser
Bill Clark

The Navy League of Puerto Vallarta invites everyone to attend a Gourmet Italian Dinner on Saturday, February 27th, 2010, at 7 pm, at the Porto Bello Restaurant in Marina Vallarta. Proceeds from this event will go towards community activities for the foreign ships that arrive in PV.

Lökös Paintings Sales Providing Becas Vallarta Scholarships
Polly G.Vicars

On Saturday, February 20, 2010 from 11 am to 6 pm, Inge Lökös, the widow of internationally known abstract artist Stefan Lökös, is hosting an open house that will make it possible for collectors, as well as first timers, to own a "Stefan Lökös!" 10% of proceeds will be donated to Becas Vallarta.

The 11 Year Old Philanthropist
Michael Patrick Rybarczyk

Upon learning that most families in Mexico literally cannot afford to send their kids to school because they cannot afford school supplies, 11 year-old Idaho resident Micaela Hurtuk collected more than 700 school supply items, which will be donated to the Ranchito Kindergarten on February 12th.

Sculptors Enjoy William Michael's Hospitality

Recently, William Michael was honored to host a dinner at his hacienda home for the participants of the Puerto Vallarta International Sculpture Symposium. In attendance were 8 internationally-renowned sculptors, along with several Luxury Beach Estates representatives and local residents.

Seventh Annual Make-A-Wish Golf Tournament a Huge Success
David Lyons

Thanks to all the sponsors, the 72 golfers who joined in the competition, and the team at Flamingo's Golf Course, one of the most beautiful in all of Banderas Bay, the Make-A-Wish 7th Annual Golf Tournament held on January 30th, 2010 was a most successful event by any standard.

Jenny McGill Memorial Service February 7
Pamela Thompson

A memorial service for former Puerto Vallarta US Consular Agent, Jenny McGill, will be held at Terra Noble on February 7, 2010 at 11 am. Jenny left us on December 31, 2009. Please join all who loved her in a remembrance of the life of Jenny McGill.

2010 Painting Workshop Exhibition Benefits the SPCA - Puerto Vallarta
Mary Ellis

Director Lucille Shipley and 18 local artists are holding their annual workshop exhibition on February 13th & 14th from 2-6 pm at the workshop studio on Calle Zaragoza #414 (next door to the Casa Kimberley pink bridge). 10% of ALL sales will be donated to the SPCA - Puerto Vallarta.

Music, Fashion and Fun Events for Becas
Polly G. Vicars

Becas Vallarta members are at full speed planning three events: the Valentine Recital Under the Stars on February 12, the Becas Brunch and Fashion Show on Feb 17 and the 2010 Becas Ball on March 11th, that will delight you as well as provide the funds to continue the education of 300 students.

North Bay Home Tours for PEACE - Update
Yavette Holts-O'Shea

Every Friday through April 2nd, PEACE Real World Home Tours give everyone the opportunity to visit exclusive homes of all types, where you will see from the inside out the differences and similarities in the lifestyles of the locals and the expats who make up this community.

Urgent Blood Donation Required
Kelly Trainor de O.

The U.S. Consular Agency of Vallarta is requesting URGENT blood donations, A-Positive for William Holme, an American citizen who is hospitalized. The local blood bank does not have this type of blood. The American Citizen requires 4 to 5 units of transfusion, as soon as possible.

Recipes of Hope: Breast Friends Cookbooks
Tara A. Spears

Breast Friends, Inc., a small group of rural Saskatchewan, Canada, women who are making a big impact in the fight against breast cancer, are helping the women of Nayarit with a $5,000 USD donation and a huge supply of bras to be used for prosthesis at the upcoming Cancer de Mama clinic February 6-8.

What's Hot!
101 Hottest
Check out our 101 Hottest People Places and Things Around the Bay for the best local insider tips. Click Here
Vallarta Pet Parade


Adopt a Pet from the Vallarta Animal Shelter.
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