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¡Viva Mexico! Marking Mexican Independence

In Mexico, September is called El Mes de la Patria, and here in Puerto Vallarta, the celebrations are unbeatable. Streets, buildings and cars are decorated with Mexican flags and colorful flowers and excitement fills the air, with entertainment and activities most every night.more »»»

2006 Marks the 475th Anniversary of the Appearance of Mexico’s Virgin of Guadalupe

The appearance of Mexico’s Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Juan Diego is said to have taken place in 1531. Celebrated annually the first twelve days of December in a visually rich festival known as the Guadalupana, the celebration this December promises to be particularly colorful.more »»»

Mexico Tries to End Grip of Bribery
Sergio Solache

In Mexico, they call these little bribes mordidas, or "bites," the little payoffs and kickbacks that people give to police officers, teachers and bureaucrats just to get on with their lives. By the time they die, 87% of Mexicans will have paid some sort of bribe.more »»»

John is Gone... Wish You Were Here
Brock Squire

Despite Hurricane John, which brushed the Pacific Coast of Mexico yesterday, all is well in the Puerto Vallarta region - in fact the whole issue became a 'non-event' with little more than heavy clouds, some light rain and about 5 - 10 mph of wind.more »»»

Becas Delivers the Goods
Peter Gray

Late August is a busy time for the Becas Vallarta members who tackle the job of getting over three hundred scholarship children together so that they can be supplied with school things and money for the coming year. The Los Mangos Library kindly provided the venue for meeting with the students.more »»»

Beachfront Living in Nuevo Vallarta

Have you ever dreamed of beachfront living? Then check out Flamingos Acqua, an upscale condominium complex in Nuevo Vallarta that features connectable "modules," which allows you to customize your own condominium ... including size and price.more »»»

Día de Los Muertos - The Mexican Day of Death
Linda Neil

On the night of October 31st, in rituals that recall the ancestors worship of their Indian forefathers, many Mexican families erect altars to the dead in their homes. Linda Neil's "Día de Los Muertos" explores the significance of this Mexican holiday.more »»»

Bambu Launch Party a Huge Success

Last Saturday some 150 people, from interested buyers to real estate agents, joined the Coldwell Banker La Costa team and property developers Randal Gilbert and Thomas Rogers for a party celebrating the inauguration of the Bambu Condominium project.more »»»

Beck's Best Taco Stands
Gary R. Beck

Please do not scream and run away. Today's topic is "Taco Stands," Mexico's ubiquitous street food. Designed as a method to get a good, healthy, tasty, fast and reasonable meal or snack, it us found all over much of Latin America.more »»»

Vallarta Happenings - This and That
Pamela Thompson

Hi All! Even though we are in the midst of the low-season, here are a few little tidbits of things - and as well, begin to mark your calendars for some upcoming events!more »»»

Mexican Resorts Show No Sign of Catching U.S. Housing's Cold
Evelyn Iritani

Neither the cooling American housing market nor tense Mexican presidential politics so far have stemmed the influx of foreign dollars into Mexico's booming coastal resort areas.more »»»

Discover Puerto Vallarta's 'Dark Gold'

For some great reading this summer, pick up David Angsten's Dark Gold. Set in and around Puerto Vallarta, this excellent novel is difficult to quantify: part mystery, part travelogue, part historical novel, part horror yarn, and all thriller.more »»»

Houston to Host Mexico Travel and Real Estate Expo
Ted Donovan

Want to know more about Mexico? Do you want to expose your Mexico-based business to US tourists, travel/real estate experts and the media? Then don't miss the Mexico Travel & Real Estate Expo at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas.more »»»

Yelapa Author Publishes New Book

Hot on the heels of his last novel, Federal Offense, published on March 27th and available at and The Book Store in Puerto Vallarta, Yelapa-based writer Robert Hardin recently announced the release of his fourth book, Imperfect Crimes.more »»»

Budweiser: El Rey of Beers?
Gustavo Arellano

Bienvenidos to ¡Ask a Mexican!, the world’s foremost authority on America’s favorite beaners! The Mexican can answer any and every question on his race, from why Mexicans stick the Virgin of Guadalupe everywhere to our obsession with dwarves and transvestites. This week, The Mexican jumps all over gabacho beer and flour tortillas.more »»»

In Mexico, the Poor Deal in Different Currency
Manuel Roig-Franzia

Silent figures filled every plastic seat under the dim fluorescent lights. Two men slumped on the tile floor in the corner. A rattly cough was the only sound. It was 7 a.m. in Xoco Hospital, where uninsured Mexicans pay for medical services, quite literally, with blood.more »»»

Life in San Miguel de Allende - Part II
Doug Bower

When trying to write an "op-ed" piece, one has precious little space in which to attack an issue in 600-1000 words. Mostly, one is able to take one point (or two at the most) and deal with it. In my story on San Miguel de Allende, I was trying to make the point there is a significant portion of the expat community that has turned to the dark side.more »»»

American Consulate New Location Update
Sue Fornoff

The US Consular Agency Puerto Vallarta has moved to a new location in Nuevo Vallarta. The Consulate is now located at Paseo de los Cocoteros Local #14, Int. #17, in front of Il Pescatore Restaurant at Paradise Plaza, but not in the mall.more »»»

Best Mexico Beaches

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is a popular destination for the true beach lover. With over 100 miles of coastline on Mexico's West Coast, the Banderas Bay region offers an unrivaled combination of simple pleasures and sophisticated charms.more »»»

The Lazaro Cardenas Site - Continued
Tribuna de la Bahía

Witnessing the ecocide that took place in what was once Lazaro Cardenas Park hurt. No one, or nearly no one, would think that a place that took over a half century to grow to the size it was, could be exterminated in less than a week.more »»»

Life in San Miguel de Allende
Doug Bower

Americans living in San Miguel de Allende, either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are in simple denial regarding the effect they've had on this central Mexican colonial town.more »»»

No Generosity of Spirit
Juan Jacobson

A few nights ago, my wife and I witnessed the beginning of yet another scene of destruction in what was once the lovely town of Puerto Vallarta. I'm referring to the annihilation of Lazaro Cardenas Park in the midst of Old Town Vallarta.more »»»

Vacation Survival Manual in The Land of Frogs
Doug Bower

My wife and I, Americans living in Guanajuato, Mexico, have co-authored a brand new print and ebook titled, "Guanajuato, México - Your Expat, Study Abroad, and Vacation Survival Manual in The Land of Frogs". We feel there is no publication available anywhere that covers the material we do with our unique first hand experience.more »»»

The Pet Parade Marches On

Though video journalist Laura Gelezunas is on vacation this month, the Banderas Bay Pet Parade marches on - thanks to the caring citizens and members of the local media who have jumped on the band wagon in support of the Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter.more »»»

Lazaro Cardenas Park Update
Adriana Romero

The persistence of authorities to go ahead with their plans for Lazaro Cardenas Park, demonstrated by the removal of some vendor shacks late Friday night, lead us to believe that once again, the authorities are taking advantage while we are sleeping.more »»»

Car Insurance a Must in Mexico
Andrew Johnson

High on the checklist of issues people need to address when driving south of the border is automobile insurance, an important but often overlooked aspect of the Mexico experience.more »»»

Myths About Overseas Voting

Democrats Abroad clears up some confusion for the many ex-pats who believe they can no longer vote in US elections and shows the millions of Americans living outside the US how easy it is to obtain an absentee ballot for the US 2006 Mid-Term Elections.more »»»

Citizens Protest Park Destruction
Adriana Romero

Since 2005, we have witnessed the violent dislodging of Hidalgo Park, followed by Pitillal Plaza and Benito Juarez Park. So it is no surprise that today, after all this turmoil, that Lazaro Cardenas Park is next on the list.more »»»

3 Bengal Tigers Born at El Tigre

Jesus G. Carmona, the Director of El Tigre Golf and Country Club in Nuevo Vallarta, recently announced that the three Bengal Tigers born at Paradise Village on Friday, June 30th are healthy, happy and getting bigger and stronger every day.more »»»

Lazaro Cardenas Lot
Denise Derameé

Despite protests from neighbors and ecological groups, last Wednesday, the Puerto Vallarta Parking Lot Tender Commission accepted Promotora de la Propiedad Raiz de Jalisco's proposal to execute and operate the Lazaro Cardenas Parking lot project.more »»»

How to Sleep Comfortably on a Hot Night (in Vallarta!)

When it's extremely hot out and you do not have air conditioning, it's difficult to fall asleep. You can toss and turn to no avail. All this movement will make you even hotter than you already are. There are ways to get cool - and remain cool - long enough for you to fall asleep.more »»»

Retiring on the Wild Side in Vallarta
Eileen Kuperschmid-Pierce

A few, but increasing number of us, have opted for the wild side, for fresh, unpolluted air, a dangerous rip, a glorious deserted beach, a jungle that pulses with life. More than 20,000 others have limited their Mexican experience to the advertised specials. They think the rest of us are crazy.more »»»

Viviendo en México - Adiós a mis Amigos
Korah Winn

Goodbye, Mexico. Adiós a todos. Thanks for being so good to me. After having lived my life in a foreign country for almost an entire year, it seemed ludicrous that I could just walk onto a plane and in just an instant leave a different way of life behind me.more »»»

Viviendo en México - Presidential Elections
Korah Winn

Last Sunday, on July 2nd, Mexico had their presidential elections. The Mexican government is set up very similar to the United States in that it has a president, senators, representatives and governors. There are smaller issues, though, where it differs from the United States.more »»»

Viviendo en México - Graduation Celebration
Korah Winn

Living in Mexico had not always been easy, but the kindness that I have been shown by so many people make the hard times melt away. Though I missed my college graduation ceremony in order to accept a teaching position here, at a recent teacher's meeting, my colleagues presented me with a cap, gown and a faux diploma from the Lincoln School.more »»»

Congratulations to Colegio Americano's Class of 2006!

The American School of Puerto Vallarta [Colegio Americano] is proud to announce that the 23 students graduating with this year’s senior class have set a new school record for university acceptances and scholarships.more »»»

Viviendo en México
Korah Winn

My last day of teaching elementary school here in Guadalajara will be June 30th. You should have seen the looks on the faces of my students when I told them that school children in the states were already starting their summer vacations.more »»»

Punta Mita Boasts #1 Golf Course in World

According to Conde Nast Traveler's Eleventh Annual Reader's Choice Survey, the Four Seasons Resort at Punta Mita is ranked as the #1 Golf Resort in the world, as well as the top property for both accommodations and service.more »»»

Vallarta Orchid Society Lecture Series Continues

If you have problems with your plants, you won't want to miss the free lecture entitled "Plants with Problems" presented by the Vallarta Orchid Society on Sunday, June 25th at 1 pm in the Vallarta Botanical Gardens. Admission is free.more »»»

Puerto Vallarta Mid-Year Land and Development Report
Bryan Dragoo

Prudential California Land and Hotel Development specialist, Bryan Dragoo, takes a look at the Puerto Vallarta real estate market and the increasing demand for commercial land, development and beachfront properties around Banderas Bay.more »»»

What's Hot!
101 Hottest for 2006
Check out our 101 Hottest People Places and Things Around the Bay for the best local insider tips for 2007. Click Here
Vallarta Pet Parade


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