|  |  | Vallarta Living | March 2009  
Mexico and My Friend Linda Ellerbee
Polly G. Vicars - PVNN

| Brother Harry and Linda Ellerbee with Husband and me in New York City |  | I have been so upset by the ridiculous news in the USA about "Dangerous Mexico" and have more than once sat down to write the real story of Mexico, but could never strike the right tone. So I am thrilled to be able to share with Vallarta this article, Mexico: One Journalist's View written by my friend Linda Ellerbee.
 Several years ago I was elated when I got a call from the office of Emmy winner, writer, producer, TV personality Linda Ellerbee in New York asking where she could buy a copy of my first book, Tales of Retirement in Paradise.
 Holly, her able and lovely assistant, explained that Linda wanted the book for her cousin Billy, who had thoughts of retiring in Puerto Vallarta. The book was by then sold out and out of print (You can now read it in its entirety with updates right HERE on BanderasNews,) but I told her I would make arrangements for my brother Harry, who lived (and lives) in New Orleans to send her his copy as I had foolishly not retained a copy for myself.
 After protests and conversation, a deal was struck that has led to Linda inviting brother Harry to be her guest at an event in New Orleans where she was the keynote speaker; Linda coming to Puerto Vallarta with cousin Billy and Billy deciding not to retire here, but Linda deciding that she wanted more of this beautiful life down here
 As time passed we have all become great friends. Linda even invited Husband, brother Harry and me to stay in her beautiful brownstone in Greenwich Village when we had to be in NYC for a family event and gave us the Royal Treatment. She has returned to Vallarta every year and this year she headlined the 2009 Writer’s Conference and brought down the house. She has now leased a year-round home here and I take great pride when she tells people that but for me and my little book, she might never have discovered this paradise.
 All of you know of my fervent love for Mexico and its people and I have been so upset by the ridiculous news in the USA about "Dangerous Mexico" and have more than once sat down to write the real story of Mexico, but could never strike the right tone. I am a loyal American citizen who loves and honors my county. But Husband and I chose to spend our retirement years here where the only things that eclipse the brilliant sunshine are the brilliant smiles of the Vallartenses who so lovingly have welcomed us into their culture.
 So I am thrilled to be able to share with everyone, Mexico: One Journalist's View, an article written by my friend Linda about my Mexico!
Polly G. Vicars and her husband of almost 60 years, Hubert (a.k.a. "Husband") retired to Puerto Vallarta in 1988 and soon became active members of several charitable organizations. Polly is the author of "Tales of Retirement in Paradise: Life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico" [a sell-out!] and "More Tales of Retirement in Puerto Vallarta and Around the World." Proceeds from the sale of her books go to the America-Mexico Foundation, a scholarship foundation that is their passion.
 Click HERE for more articles by Polly Vicars, or click HERE to learn more about Becas Vallarta and the America-Mexico Foundation. |

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