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Vallarta Living 
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A Fabulous Fundraiser at Villa Leonarda
Gary R. Beck
 With cool autumn breezes maintaining a comfortable temperature, guests gathered in the outdoor garden of the historic Villa Leonarda, owned by Sergio Toledano, on November, 19th for a fun-filled evening with all proceeds benefiting the Puerto Vallarta Public Library, Biblioteca Los Mangos.
BECAS Happy Holiday Happening at Avalon
Polly G. Vicars
 Don't miss Becas Vallarta’s Holiday Happening at Avalon on December 2 from 6 to 9 pm. You'll enjoy live music, fine food and drink from some of Puerto Vallarta's best restaurants and tours of three of the most interesting and beautiful condos in this unique complex - all for a good cause!
Charity Bingo for Pasitos de Luz - Week 4
 One hundred and seven people turned out for the November 17th Charity Bingo night at Nacho Daddy, raising another $10,000 + pesos for Pasitos de Luz, a Puerto Vallarta non-profit founded by mothers of disabled children. To date, the total collected for this worthy cause is just over $55,000 pesos!
BECAS Breakfast at Coco’s Kitchen a Roaring Success
Polly G. Vicars
 On November 17th, 150 Becas supporters arrived at Coco’s Kitchen ready for a marvelous breakfast, ready to greet old friends and meet some new, and ready to support the 376 young Vallartenses who are reaching their educational goals through their Becas Vallarta scholarships.
PVJC Chanukah Dinner at No Way José!
Mel Bornstein
 The Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community invites you to join us at the charming No Way José! restaurant on the south side of Puerto Vallarta for a PVJC Chanukah Dinner and 5th Night Celebration on Sunday, December 5th at 6 pm.
Fundraising Matinee Concert for La Biblioteca Los Mangos
Cecile Scriban
 To raise much needed funds for the Puerto Vallarta Public Library, Biblioteca Los Mangos, a fundraising matinee concert devoted entirely to the known and lesser known works of Mexican composer José Pablo Moncayo will be performed at Teatro Vallarta on Sunday, November 21st at 12:00 noon.
Los Mangos Night of the Iguana Fundraiser
María José Zorrilla Alcalá
 Don't miss the Party of the Year on Friday, November 19th from 6 pm to 2 am at the Puerto Vallarta Public Library. The party's theme will be 'The Night of the Iguana,' featuring the Glamorous Vallarta of the 60´s and 70´s, along with live music food and fun to benefit Biblioteca Los Mangos.
Mi Amigo Sin Pelo (My Friend With No Hair)
William Michael
 I want fewer children dying from cancer, so I am donating toward CANICA Campus, which is the first comprehensive care center for children with cancer in our country.
You Care, We Care: Guests and Crystal to Give Back With New Initiative
 Recognizing that even one day of assistance can make a difference, Crystal Cruises introduces a complimentary, participatory shore excursion program that enables its guests and crew to assist with charitable projects in destinations they visit during their cruise.
Puerto Vallarta Garden Club Bingo
Gary R. Beck
 The Puerto Vallarta Garden Club held its first Bingo for Bougainvilias at the lovely Coco's Kitchen, on November 10th. Between 45 and 50 players attended and, with donations, we collected a substantial amount to help us fund planting in public areas and other city beautification projects.
The Season's First BECAS Breakfast at Coco’s Kitchen
Polly G. Vicars
 Preceding our first Becas Breakfast of this season were the successful and fun events at the Culinary Jam Session and the Outback 10th Anniversary Celebration which brought many pesos to the Becas Vallarta coffers to help pay for the 376 scholarships we are funding this school year.
New Life Mexico Christmas Program
Pamela Thompson
 New Life Mexico provides a safe haven for boys living on the streets of Vallarta. Each boy has a sad and very special story. They so deserve a Christmas with gifts, no matter the size. We ask that you reach in to your hearts and help to make this Christmas a little bit brighter for these boys.
Festival del Concierge Event Raises $58,000 MXN for Local Charities
Roberta Rand
 The First Annual Festival del Concierge, hosted by Thierry's Prime Steak House in Plaza Peninsula, was a resounding success with over $58,000 pesos raised for three Puerto Vallarta charities: Project Pitillal, Vida Animal Bahia de Banderas and the Foundation of the Americas.
November US Consulate Community Network Breakfast
Kelly Trainor de O.
 The U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta, in conjunction with Community Service projects in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco and Riviera Nayarit, sponsors a monthly Network Breakfast. The November Network Breakfast will be held at the El Tigre Golf Club in Nuevo Vallarta on Friday the 19th at 9 am.
A Hole in One at the Club Corp Becas Golf Classic
Polly G. Vicars
 November 5th was a beautiful fall day with the grounds of the Marina Vallarta Golf Course impeccably groomed for the first ever Becas Vallarta Golf Tournament. I think I can safely say it was a rousing success without even mentioning the money raised for Becas and Club Corp’s charities.
Work-for-Food Program Creates Powerful Circle of Service
Becci Burchett
 All communities have needs. Unique communities have the ability to unite and perform multi-beneficial programs to overcome those needs. The towns of Emiliano Zapata, Corral del Risco, and Higuera Blanca are doing just that, in the PEACE initiated 'Work for Food' program.
Fun for Everyone; Vallarta Yacht Club Chili Cook-Off
Richard Williams
 There is fun for everyone at the Vallarta Yacht Club 11th Annual Cruisers Great Chili Cook-off. Benefiting two local charities, this year's event is scheduled to take place in the Yacht Club parking lot on Saturday, December 4th at 4 pm, and is open to the public.
IFC Home Tours Starts New Season With Some Exciting Changes
Mandy MacLeay & Mike McGee
 The Puerto Vallarta International Friendship Club kicks off another season of Home Tours beginning November 17 and 18 and continuing every Wednesday and Thursday until April 14, 2011. We will be visiting four outstanding homes representing the architecture and variety of Vallarta living.
Vallarta Botanical Gardens Celebrates their Fifth Anniversary
Douglas Lenox
 Over the last five years, the Vallarta Botanical Gardens has grown into a significant landmark for Puerto Vallarta and has contributed to the cultural development of the area. The Gardens will celebrate their fifth anniversary on Sunday, November 14th, 2010.
Simply Puerto Vallarta Online Promotional Campaign
A Grass Roots Promotional Campaign
 Puerto Vallarta's Video Diva Productions is pleased to announce the launch of 'Simply Puerto Vallarta,' a multi-media promotion campaign designed to highlight the richness and diversity of Mexico's premier coastal tourist town
Charity Bingo for Pasitos de Luz - Week 3
 Considering the Day of the Dead celebrations and the American Election, the third night of Charity Bingo for Pasitos de Luz at Nacho Daddy had an amazing turnout of over 80 enthusiastic players. A great time was had by all and another $12,184.60 pesos were raised for Pasitos de Luz.
BBCC Hero to Run Vallarta Half Marathon
Denise Fiske-Chow
 Let's hear it for Dana, our Marathon Man! At last year's Puerto Vallarta Half Marathon, he raised a cool $1000 USD for the Bucerías Bilingual Community Center. This year, our hero will be running for the BBCC again at the 8th Annual Puerto Vallarta Half Marathon and 5K Competition on November 7th.
Concierge Festival and Fundraising Event
 The Pacific Region of the Concierge Association will hold its first Festival del Concierge on November 6th at 7 pm at Thierry's Prime Steak House. For just $200 pesos you can sample food and wine from some of the best restaurants in Puerto Vallarta, while supporting three worthy charities.
Exemplary Local Businesses Connect With Communities
Becci Burchett
 Giving back is good business – that’s what The Dazzling Details and Vallarta Adventures decided when they invested their time and money into local non-profit PEACE. These two exemplary businesses raised and/or donated funds for PEACE-coordinated flood relief efforts and spay and neuter clinics.
Cupcake Decorating Day at Pie in the Sky
Harold Sokolove
 Cupcakes have become the newest food fad in the US and it was no different at the Pie in the Sky bakery in Bucerías on October 29th. Ten students, their teachers and program co-directors from PEACE's Casa Communidad took part in the 4th annual Halloween cupcake decorating event.
Outback Steak House Continues its Altruistic Ways
Polly G. Vicars
 Get ready for the November 11 Outback Steak House 10th Anniversary celebration! Continuing their commitment to the children and youth of Puerto Vallarta, Outback is donating all proceeds from the event to three important and deserving charities: Casa Hogar, Pasitos de Luz and Becas Vallarta.
The 2010 Puerto Vallarta Culinary Jam Session Rocked!
Polly G. Vicars
 This year's Puerto Vallarta Culinary Jam Session was held at Casa Magna Marriott Marina Vallarta, where 300+ Vallartenses dressed in their finest, lived it up and greeted old and new friends while supporting AGAPE, Arturo and Los Hijos de Dios, Asilo San Juan Diego and Becas Vallarta.
Hook the Cure 'Hooks' in $300,000 to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Gary Green
 The Fifth Annual Hook the Cure fishing tournament, held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from October 21-24, 2010, was highlighted by festivities, celebrity appearances, auctions and an awards gala, and raised $300,000 USD NET for cystic fibrosis research.
Riviera Nayarit is Working Together With the CPTM, Puerto Vallarta and Alaska Airlines
 Officials of Riviera Nayarit attended the launch of the new route of Alaska Airlines, which will connect Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta with San Diego, California. The event was coordinated by the Mexican Council for the Promotion of Tourism through its office in Los Angeles.
Abundant Pleasures Ahead in Vallarta this November
Polly G. Vicars
 This November, there are many wonderful events coming up to support Becas Vallarta, as well as other deserving charities, including the ClubCorp BECAS Vallarta Golf Classic on Nov 5, the Outback 10th Anniversary Charity Fundraiser on the 11th and the Nov 17 Becas Breakfast at Coco's Kitchen.
Another Great Night of Charity Bingo at Nacho Daddy
 On October 19th, over 150 residents and tourists came out for another great night of Charity Bingo at Nacho Daddy in support of the Pasitos de Luz non-profit organization. Over $17,000 pesos were raised, bringing the total collected for this very worthy cause to just over $30,000 pesos!
Volunteers 'Dug in' to Los Mangos Project
Gary R. Beck
 The Puerto Vallarta Garden Club held its first planting beautification project at Los Mangos Library on Saturday, October 16th. Volunteers 'dug right in' to the project - pruning branches, removing dead trees, digging holes and planting bougainvilleas along the fence.
ExPats in Vallarta November Events
Sara Wise
 ExPats in Vallarta, a fun and friendly group of PV residents, visitors and investors from other countries, have scheduled a variety of entertaining social events this November - from Happy Hours at local restaurants to Wine & Appetizer Evenings at members' homes.
Local Communities Witness the Power of Kids
Becci Burchett
 It is the size of the heart, not the size of the person that matters. That’s what local non-profit PEACE experienced after witnessing the influence of one young American and a group of Puerto Vallarta students, who worked together to raise money and supplies for the Punta de Mita community.
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