|  |  | Vallarta Living 
««« Click HERE for Recent Community Services Daiquiri Dick's Pet Picnic a Howling Success
Laura Gelezunas
 About 30 dogs and more than twice as many humans attended Daiquiri Dick's 'Pet Picnic' on their beach-side patio last Saturday. A howling good time was had by all who attended the event which included demonstrations, competitions, a raffle, and lunch - all for a worthy cause!
DA Presents 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' at PCC
David Kamp and Judy Snow
 As part of their Every Tuesday Movie Night film series, the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad will present 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' on Dec. 18th, at 7 pm at the Paradise Community Center in Puerto Vallarta. Come early and enjoy the food vendors at the Center!
Vallarta Toys for Tots Program to Spread 7000 Smiles
Jerry Lafferty
 Last weekend, the Puerto Vallarta Navy League Council's Toys for Tots program generated enough money to purchase at least 7,000 toys for the under-privileged kids in the Banderas Bay area - children who might otherwise not receive any gifts during the Christmas season.
VBG Event Calender Includes 'End of the World' Party
Stephen Clay
 Join us at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Dec. 21st for our 'End of the World' party as we wait to see which - if any - of the theories behind the end of the Mayan calendar proves correct! If it's the 'End of Days,' wouldn't you like to go out looking at our beautiful scenery?
Dec 27 Concert Benefiting Biblioteca Los Mangos
Cecile Scriban
 'tis the season for caroling, cheer, and caring for families and friends. As music, culture, and art all go hand in hand with literature and reading, the Sheraton Buganvillias is hosting the upcoming 'Merry Christmas - Hello New Year Gala Concert' benefiting Biblioteca Los Mangos.
PV's 'Walk for Life' Celebrated World AIDS Day
Paco Arjona
 On Saturday, December 1, Vallarta's first 'Walk for Life' began its march from Lazaro Cardenas Park, proceeded up the famed Malecón to Los Arcos, then back to the park. Over 150 men and women marched with solidarity, carrying candlelit torches in the early evening darkness.
DA Every Tuesday Films Presents 'A Better Life'
David Kamp and Judy Snow
 As part of their Every Tuesday Movie Night film series, the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad will present 'A Better Life' on Dec. 11th, at 7 pm at the Paradise Community Center in Puerto Vallarta. Come early and enjoy the food vendors at the Center!
PuRR Project's Salsa-Cumbia BINGO Night
Marilyn Khan
 PuRR Project now has over 200 adorable cats and kittens in residence. Donations and fund raising events are the only source of financing to provide food, shelter and veterinary care for these rescued animals. Their upcoming 'Salsa-Cumbia Bingo' event should be SPICY!
SETAC Toy Drive for Posada at Capasits
Paco Arjona
 Every year on Nov. 15th, SETAC starts their campaign to collect toys for the children of families affected by HIV/AIDS. We invite you to donate a toy for their Posada at Capasits (HIV Clinic.) You can deposit unwrapped toys in special boxes at area businesses through Dec. 15th.
Sea Monkey Auctions Christmas Tree for Charity
Gretchen DeWitt
 The Sea Monkey Restaurant is auctioning off a stunning Christmas Tree with 75 handmade glass ornaments adorning it. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this tree goes to PEACE Mexico's 'Help the Animals Program' with funds specified for the free spay/neuter clinic.
Margaret Tolton Memorial to be Held on December 8
Polly G. Vicars
 Longtime resident of Puerto Vallarta, Margaret Tolton passed away December 3, 2012 with her family and friends at her side. Friends are welcome to join in a Celebration of her Life on Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 5 pm at La Palapa Restaurant on Los Muertos Beach.
Vallarta's Peter Gray Museum Celebrates 10 Years
Jerry Lafferty
 This past Friday evening, with more than 200 avid supporters looking on, the Peter Gray Art Museum on the campus of Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUC) held a grand celebration of its first 10 years of existence in Puerto Vallarta. And there was much to celebrate!
La Cruz Escuela Primaria Christmas Party
Landon Hollander
 Question: What happens when EVERYBODY in town comes together to support a cause? Answer: They put together the best Christmas Party the town has ever seen and call it the 'La Cruz Christmas Cocktail Party For The Escuela Primaria!' And just who is everyone? Well...
IFC and 'Libros for Learning' Supply School Books
T.J. Hartung
 Over the past five years, the International Friendship Club and Libros for Learning have teamed up to supply more than 35 libraries to schools in Cabo Corrientes and outlying areas of Puerto Vallarta. Their efforts have provided more than six thousand books.
Puerto Vallarta Garden Club Meeting Dec. 20th
Steve Clay
 The next general meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Garden Club will be held on Thursday, December 20th at the lovely Paradise Community Center. The public is always welcome to join us in our endeavor to beautify and protect the environment through civic planting projects.
Becas Breakfast at Vitea, December 5th
Polly G. Vicars
 There are a limited number of tickets available for the December 5, 2012 Becas Breakfast at the beautiful bistro Vitea on the Malecón. At 9:30 am, a fabulous breakfast prepared by Ulf and Bernardo will be served to raise funds for Becas Vallarta's 421 scholarship students.
Colors on Canvas PV Expo for Los Mangos Library
Mary Ellis
 Colors on Canvas PV art workshop is proud to announce our group’s first collective exhibition on Saturday, December 8th from 2–7 pm at Biblioteca Los Mangos. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase original pieces of art, while supporting Puerto Vallarta's Public Library.
Vallarta's IFC Offers Medical Evacuation Insurance
Janie Albright Blank
 Vallarta's International Friendship Club offers many advantages to its members; from social activities, to great classes, to restaurant discounts. Another important offering is the Travel Assist Network Air Rescue insurance for medical evacuation from anywhere in the world.
Rocky Horror BINGO for PuRR Project at Nacho Daddy
Marilyn Khan
 On Wednesday, December 5th, the cast of Rocky Horror will be on hand to kick off 'Kitty BINGO' for PuRR Project at Nacho Daddy. You'll be playing for fabulous prizes while helping to provide food, shelter, and veterinary care for the 200 plus cats at this Puerto Vallarta 'no kill' shelter.
VYC Toy Drive for 'Families at the Dump'
Richard Williams
 With the holidays coming, there will be many ways to reflect the spirit of the season by helping those less fortunate. Starting Dec. 1st, the VYC will be collecting toys for the 400 kids of Families at the Dump. The simple gift of a toy can give a kid a smile this Christmas!
SETAC Organizes 'Walk for Life!' Saturday
Paco Arjona
 SETAC is organizing the 'Walk for Life' to commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1st. This is the first organized walk to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS ever held in PV and is intended to bring people together to demonstrate solidarity and raise awareness about the pandemic.
'Food for Families' Program Gaining Speed
Eric La Gasca
 PEACE Protectores Action for Food program has provided over 2500 meals for needy families in our area. The high demand, food for families program grew out of flood relief efforts in September 2010 and has continued to expand due to the consistent increase in job loss and need.
Los Bambinos Now at the Roxy Rock House
Polly G. Vicars
 This season Los Bambinos' fans can expect a special treat, as the brothers return inspired from their tour of the US West Coast. Their opening show in Vallarta will be held on November 27 from 8-10:00 pm at the Roxy Rock House, Ignacio L. Vallarta #217.
Toys for Tots Getting Into the Christmas Spirit
Jerry Lafferty
 It's never too early to turn one's thoughts to the joys of the Christmas gift-giving season! Toys for Tots Vallarta is pleased to announce the 13th consecutive year of fund raising events to purchase toys for distribution to needy kids on 3 Kings Day, gift-giving day in Mexico.
Daiquiri Dick's Hosts 7th Annual Pet Picnic
Laura Gelezunas
 Best friends can share a wonderful early afternoon at the 7th Annual Pet Picnic hosted by Daiquiri Dick's. No bones about it, everyone will have a dog gone good time at this popular event which includes a costume contest, a raffle, and all sorts of tail wagging surprises.
Fusion Fashion & Music Fund Raising Event
Marie Callan
 Compassion for the Family, Inc. together with Liverpool and Diamonds International invite everyone to attend 'Fusion, Fashion and Music,' a fund raising event for the Banderas Bay Women's Shelter at the Centro Cultural Rio Cuale on December 8th at 7 pm.
Vallarta Yacht Club Open House Nov. 28th
Richard Williams
 The Vallarta Yacht Club is holding an 'Open House' on Wednesday, November 28th where the general public can come by and learn more about the numerous social events planned for this year and the charity work done by the club. There will be free soft drinks and hor o’deurves.
'I Hate Shakespeare' Performed at ASPV
T.J. Hartung
 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Please join the talented students of The American School of Puerto Vallarta for a hilarious performance of Steph DeFerie's 'I Hate Shakespeare' on November 30 and December 1st. All proceeds will go toward upgrading the lighting at the school's outdoor theater.
Becas Vallarta Brunch & Fashion Show a Slam Dunk
Polly G. Vicars
 Last week's Becas' Brunch and Fashion Show at Mangos Beach Club was a 'slam dunk' for all who participated. Everyone from President Mariel Fregoso to the attendees agreed the event was a huge success; raising funds for the education of the 421 students Becas is supporting this year.
Community Cares Fundraiser Raises $40,000
Paco Arjona
 Last Sunday, the Puerto Vallarta Men's Choir and cast members of the The Rocky Horror Show entertained over 120 men and women at the Community Cares gala and dinner fundraiser benefiting SETAC and the PVMC. Held at the Bistro Balsamar, the event raised more than $40,000 pesos.
Drag Queen 'Calls' for PuRR Project Bingo
Marilyn Khan
 Famed drag entertainer Joanna, in all her finery and at her most outrageous, will call the numbers on Wednesday, November 21st for PuRR Project Bingo at Nacho Daddy. Proceeds benefit the 200+ cats residing at PuRR Project, a 'no-kill' feline sanctuary north of Puerto Vallarta.
VYC Chili Cook Off - Cooking for a Cause
Richard Williams
 The Vallarta Yacht Club's 13th Annual Great Chili Cook Off, is going to be the biggest and best ever! Last year's event raised almost $84,000 pesos for local charities and the challenge this year is to surpass that amount. Word is... the competition is going to be HOT!
7th Annual Hook the Cure Tournament Raises $400,000
Gary Green
 The 7th annual 'Hook the Cure' event, held in Puerto Vallarta November 8th-11th, was highlighted by festivities, celebrity appearances, auctions and an awards gala. Participants enjoyed Banderas Bay's fabulous amenities while raising $400,000 for cystic fibrosis research.
IFC Cleft Palate Clinic and Surgery Program
Janie Albright Blank
 On November 1st and 2nd the International Friendship Club held their 3rd Cleft Palate Clinic & Surgery Program at Vallarta's CMQ Premier Hospital. The IFC has sponsored these surgeries since 1986 and most of the money to support this endeavor is raised by their weekly Home Tours.
Peter Gray Art Museum Celebrates 10 Years
Jerry Lafferty
 Everyone is welcome to attend a grand celebration for the 10th anniversary of the Peter Gray Art Museum on the campus of Centro Universitario de la Costa. Come and enjoy complimentary light refreshments while touring our expanded art collection and new museum layout.
Democrats Abroad Tuesday Night Films Resume
Norma Schuh
 Democrats Abroad is launching its Third Annual Film Series at Paradise Community Center beginning December 4th, on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Twenty films are scheduled through April and, as was true last year, there will be a special week of Academy-Award-nominated films as well.
ExPats In Vallarta November Events Schedule
Sara Wise
 A great way to meet friends, the Expats In Vallarta's monthly happy hour gatherings are open to all expat residents and visitors. The purpose of the group is to provide resources and fun social events for expats already living here and those considering moving to the area.

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