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Mexico: The Honeymoon is Over!
Doug Bower

My honeymoon has finally ended with Mexico. Now, do not get me wrong. I do not dislike living in Mexico. My wife and I are convinced that leaving America and moving here was the right decision for us. It is just that my infatuation with Mexico has come to an end.more »»»

Viviendo en México - Guad 2
Korah Winn

One thing that has been a huge necessity for me since moving to Mexico is having language partners. I had quite a few while I lived in Puerto Vallarta and it greatly enriched my experience. I wanted the same opportunity in Guadalajara so I signed up for a friendship program through my school.more »»»

Taking Time to Relax and Learn While in Mexico
Beth Ashley

A tiny fishing village at the edge of a jungle by the Mexican coast. How does that sound as a place to vacation? My sister Faith's sons have built two houses in the Mexican town of San Pancho. When the first house was finished, I was invited to spend a free week there, an offer I couldn't refuse.more »»»

CasaMagna Marriott 2005 Turtle Protection Update

Puerto Vallarta - The Marine Turtle Protection Program at the CasaMagna Marriott Resort Puerto Vallarta has been an educational and entertaining tradition for the last fifteen years.more »»»

Viviendo en México - Guad 1
Korah Winn

A recent visit to a mall in Guadalajara showed me a side of Mexico I had never contemplated while living in the US. I saw a lot of affluence... girls dressed in very cute Abercrombie & Fitch clothing and guys walking around with fashionable jeans and shirts in the latest styles.more »»»

Car Legalization Woes Have Some Expats Seeing Red
David Agren & Sean Godfrey

The Mexican government began allowing certain imported vehicles to be registered in early November, but some citizens and expatriates have expressed dissatisfaction with the process, which they say is complicated, expensive and at times capricious.more »»»

Mexico and Renting a House Part III
Doug Bower

I wanted to continue with the next column in the series Living in Mexico. However, I am still in such a snit over the fiasco with our previous landlord, I thought I should write part three in the series on renting a house in Mexico.more »»»

Website to Homesite
Troy Mcmullen

Yahoo Inc.'s former chairman and founding CEO, Tim Koogle, is partly focusing these days on south-of-the-border real estate. The 54-year-old venture capitalist, who took Yahoo from a six-staffer start-up, is selling residential property on 100 acres of oceanfront land he bought just north of Puerto Vallarta two years ago.more »»»

Puerto Vallarta Mayor Looks Towards the Future

During his 2005 annual municipal administration report, Mayor Gustavo Gonzalez Villaseñor expressed his confidence that Puerto Vallarta will continue to grow and prosper in 2006.more »»»

Mexico and Renting a House Part II
Doug Bower

I’ve been thinking more about this issue of Mexican Landlords and Beggars. Just why do Mexicans think they can exploit a Gringo when they see one coming down the pike? Now, is this true of all Mexicans without exception?more »»»

Puerto Vallarta Celebrates Hanukkah

The usual Christmas and New Year's holidays are even busier this year because Hanukkah and Kwanzaa (Dec. 26) coincide with them. This year, the first day of Hanukkah happened to fall on Christmas day, and Café Bohemio owner Sol Rosenshein threw the largest Hanukkah celebration Puerto Vallarta has ever seen.more »»»

Vivendo en Mexico (Living in Mexico)
Korah Winn

I have Mexican friends who moved from Mexico to the Sauk Valley area and I respected how they had handled the changes they had experienced. But now it was my turn, I was headed to Puerto Vallarta... and I wish you could see the smile on my face.more »»»

For Some, Clowning is a Full-Time Job
Wire services

Mexico has the lowest unemployment rate in North America, largely because so many people are considered employed even if they just hustle intersections or work odd jobs. With many Mexican street performers, what started out long ago as a temporary way to make a living in a merciless economy has become a lifelong vocation.more »»»

Mexico and The Art of Creative Begging
Doug Bower

Not only do Mexican landlords give every impression their American tenants exist to be taken advantage of, Mexican beggars also plug into this mentality. They think every American lights his or her cigars with $100.00 bills. This is no generalization. I have evidence.more »»»

Call out the Marines!

A few weeks ago, Karen Milleson looked out the window of the six-story El Faro condo project that her husband Russ is developing near Punta Mita on the northeast tip of Banderas Bay, and was shocked to find that an unseen large turtle had come ashore in the night and had laid about 90 eggs.more »»»

The Bowl of Trust
Randy Mees

My eyes spotted another trinket vendor, a Mexican man about 55 years with a tan befitting a person working outside everyday, who was walking the beach selling pottery bowls and plates that were roped to him... and one of these bowls, a blue bowl, just jumped out at me.more »»»

Revolution Day in Bucerias
Sue Fornoff

Every town in Mexico celebrates Día de la Revolución, Revolution Day, on November 20th. Bucerias is no exception. Starting early in the morning, little revolutionaries, gymnasts, marching bands and horse riders gathered in anticipation.more »»»

So You Want to Live Here All Year, Do You?
Sueanne Lineberger

For those of you who are enjoying this wonderful time of year, thinking "Boy I could live here all the time!", let me tell you about our summers. I actually feel deserving of the weather this time of year after having stuck it out throughout the summer months... although our summer storms are something to behold.more »»»

Birds in Paradise
Griffin Page

The area surrounding the Bahía de Banderas can only be described as a natural outdoor concert hall. Over 360 different species of birds either migrate to or reside in this area. Talk about an orchestra!more »»»

University System Takes Novel Approach
Wire services

There are no entrance exams at the Autonomous University of Mexico City. No checking of school records. No interviews. No financial aid forms, since attendance is free.more »»»

31 Reasons To Love Mexico
Laurence Iliff

The bridge that connects Puerto Vallarta in the state of Jalisco to Nuevo Vallarta in the state of Nayarit is a 15-minute taxi ride from the airport, but it took me 15 years to get there.more »»»

They're Baaaaack...
Erich Haubrich

Like the motor on a Harley Davidson sputtering up to a roar, the tourism season is roaring to life. For the last week or so the musicians, vendors, street kids with chiclets and all of the other elements of our fair town are once again out competing for the tourists' dollars.more »»»

Why We Don't Learn Spanish
Doug Bower

This year is the Official Year of Foreign Language Study. And it's about bloody time, I would like to add. In case you are wondering why your elected officials bothered with passing this resolution, on taxpayer's time and money, it is because most of America is afflicted with a dreadful and painful lack of foreign language ability.more »»»

Common Problems with a Move to a Foreign Country
Sueanne H. Lineberger

Moving to a foreign country makes enormous demands upon our psyche. Not only do we have to deal with the stress of leaving home, we also have to struggle to find the way to live within a country whose culture, society, and language are so different from our own.more »»»

Local Naturalist, Tour Guide and Amateur Photographer
a profile of Griffin Page

Many years ago, one more player was added to the team of people dedicating their lives to help save our environment. Originally from Montreal, Canada, Griffin Page left everything behind, took the plunge and moved to Mexico's Baja Sur to begin her autodidact studies.more »»»

Turtle Camp in Nuevo Vallarta
Korah Winn

Last Monday I had the opportunity to do one of the most amazing things I think I have ever experienced. I had the chance to release baby sea tortugas (turtles) into the Pacific Ocean. Wow! It was incredible.more »»»

Vallarta Summers Are For Kids
Marla Hoover

Children love Puerto Vallarta because it's summer all year round. They can throw on their cut-offs, a t-shirt, some sandals and they're good to go - go do any of the really cool activities this fun town has to offer them. From tots to teens there's tons to do.more »»»

Foreigners Living in Vallarta Find Help! at Portugal Bar

Last Saturday, around 120 US and Canadian citizens who live here in Vallarta met at Portugal Bar to meet with Bonnie Sumlin, General Director of HELP!, a Mexican Civil Association that helps foreign residents obtain Mexican citizenship.more »»»

How to Become a Mexican Citizen

When you have been living in Mexico for 5 years, you may qualify for Mexican Citizenship. There are benefits in being a Mexican Citizen, but there are also a few drawbacks or limitations.more »»»

Local School Kids Need Your Help
Harold Sokolove

School starts on August 22nd in Bucerias Mexico, but school bells may not be ringing for 6 local school age children whose families can't afford school uniforms and basic school supplies.more »»»

What a Way to Spend the Day!
Erich Haubrich

I boarded the sailboat Isis - named after the Egyptian Goddess of Love, which is the flagship of Pegaso Tours' fleet. I have passed the boat lots of times taking other boats out of the marina and was thrilled to finally be aboard this maritime masterpiece.more »»»

Indigenous Peoples Day: New Universities for a Multicultural Mexico
Adrián Reyes

Seven intercultural universities in Mexico are going a long way towards preserving the historical and cultural roots of the country's indigenous community, which comprises more than 10 percent of the country's 106 million people.more »»»

Student Scores Getting Worse
Nurit Martínez Carballo

Five students from across the capital recently tied for the highest score on the high school entrance exam in Mexico City's metropolitan area. For the first time in the exam's 10 years of existence, each of the five students answered correctly 123 out of 128 questions. However, these students were the exception.more »»»

Mexico Without Mexican Food
Stett Holbrook

Last month I spent 10 days in Sayulita, Mexico, a small but growing coastal town about 45 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta with great waves and a wonderfully slow pace of life. There are no thumping nightclubs or restaurants that cater to tourists. It's a Mexican town that still feels like Mexico.more »»»

Teaching English in Mexico: A Decent Living?
Doug Bower

What's more disappointing than a person who makes a promise he can't keep? A person who makes a promise that is a lie. Many promises to make a "decent living" teaching English in Mexico are just that — a lie. But they keep coming, filled with the delusion that perhaps they can make it work.more »»»

Get Prepared for the New SAT
Rhona Statland De López

There are a number of Mexican students who may be planning to attend college in the United States. Most don't realize, however, that they must start working toward that goal at least a year before they plan to attend.more »»»

Some Parents Not Crazy About Grad Getaways
Wendy Lee

As hundreds of Southern California high school grads prepare to celebrate their independence by hitting the beaches and clubs in Mexico and the Caribbean, the disappearance of a woman in Aruba is causing parents to have second thoughts about their children's safety.more »»»

Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Tom Uhlenbrock

Some 3 million tourists show up in Puerto Vallarta each year, and the tour guides work hard to get them away from the ritzy hotels and cruise ships to experience the Mexican culture thriving in Old Town.more »»»

Hey Bonita, you want a Mexican Husband?

My girlfriend emailed me and asked "What are the men like in Mexico? Are Latin men really different from American men? Should I bring my search for a husband over there?" Yes, they most certainly are different, and it's WONDERFUL!more »»»

All Inclusive Bender
Erich Haubrich

We met up pretty early, and while were discussing our options about how to spend the day, we all agreed on a few things: 1) We wanted to be around nice looking women, 2) We wanted to drink more than our share of Rum and Cokes, and 3) We didn't want to spend a hell of a lot of money... so we decided to get a day pass at a resort.more »»»

A Marriage Made in Mexico
Suzan Haskins

The waves lapped gently at the shore and the sun set over Banderas Bay as Patrick and Sarah promised to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. When the ceremony was over, the couple, both barefoot, waded to the edge of the water and tossed a garland of flowers into the ocean - a symbol of their eternal love.more »»»

Eat On The Street
Erich Haubrich

Some of the best kept culinary secrets in Puerto Vallarta are right in front of us, but as travellers sometimes we forget to sample the local fare. I'm talking about street food. Taco stands, walking vendors and carts offer some amazing food for cheap.more »»»

Spanish Classes for Native Speakers
Associated Press

A growing number of Hispanic students in public schools and colleges are working in classes often called Spanish for Native Speakers, which aim to make students biliterate as well as bilingual.more »»»

Cinco de Mayo - What Does It Celebrate?
Julia Layton

Lots of us have heard of the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo, but not everyone knows what it celebrates. It is not Mexico's Independence Day. The festivities that occur on the 5th of May commemorate a battle that was fought 50 years after its independence from Spain.more »»»

Mexico Undergoing Americanization as Retirees, Others Become Expatriates
Alfredo Corchado & Laurence Iliff

The decades-long trend has gathered steam in recent years, statistics show, and Mexico is undergoing a sustained Americanization, with Americans buying more property, seeking permanent residency and congregating in enclaves that seem like home abroad.more »»»

An Americana Visits Puerto Vallarta - A Cultural Experience
Leah Cohen

When I arrived here, I expected to be vacationing in an American tourist community with all the luxuries of home (Southern California). Instead, because my brother had made a decision to reside in the local community, I experienced major culture shock.more »»»

Foreign Citizens Rush to Become Mexicans
CR Staff - PVNN

More and more foreigners are deciding to become naturalized Mexican citizens, rising to 11,844 during the first three years of the Vicente Fox administration, according to figures published last year by Spanish-language daily Mural.more »»»

Krystal Hotel Hosts Social Security & Medicare Conference
Bob Cohen

In a very concise, short but informative conference, Faith N. Hunt from the Embassy of the United States in Mexico City reported to a gathering of American citizens at the Krystal Hotel.more »»»

Vallarta or Bust!
Christopher Codrington - PVNN

The trip down was spent in relative comfort, Mark and I were still used to having a lot of money so we stayed in American-style hotels and ate at restaurants with A/C and a somewhat effective hygiene policy...more »»»
Why We Choose to Live in Puerto Vallarta
Marla Hoover -

Just what is it about Puerto Vallarta that captivates so many visitors that they feel compelled to buy property and live here? This is the question that Lifestyles Magazine put to some new homeowners that purchased property this past year around Banderas Bay.more »»»

Impressions of Mexico
Erich Haubrich - PVNN

There are as many opinions of Mexico as there are visitors and residents. To some it is home, to some it is a mysterious paradise, and still others have found that they just plain don't like it.more »»»

Making the Move to AND Building a House in Vallarta
Bob Cohen - PVNN

A gringo advised me to first experience the summers here and to live out my "honeymoon year" renting a place before I made the big plunge - it was great advice - after making it through my first hot and rainy summer season, I started to look for a condo to purchase.more »»»
Dreaming Of A Dream House
Andy Rooney - from Common NON Sense

Just as soon as I have the time and the money, I'm going to build my dream house. It will be a big, rambling wooden home three stories tall with five bedrooms, a large kitchen with three ovens and a small dining area near a window that looks out onto a rocky cove.more »»»

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