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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Open Letter to Barack Obama and John McCain: How to Win Latin Votes
Miguel Contreras
 As the final elections are getting closer, we learned that Obama and McCain are trying to score points with our Latino voting community. Perhaps, the title of this news story should read better: “How to win more American Votes.”
9/11 and 4/11
Thomas L. Friedman
 I am reliably told by a Bush administration official that there is an old saying in Texas that goes like this: “If all you ever do is all you’ve ever done, then all you’ll ever get is all you ever got.” Could anyone possibly come up with a better description of President Bush’s energy policy?
The Morphing of Organized Crime
Jim Kouri
 While most of the focus of federal law enforcement today is on counterterrorism, federal police agencies must still contend with more traditional anti-crime operations including emerging organized crime gangs.
Obama and the Cold War Mentality
The Real Network
 Historian and author Gareth Porter discusses with Pepe Escobar the positioning of Senator Barack Obama relative to the power of the national security establishment in the US; the legacy of JFK; the feasibility of the US refusing to occupy Muslim lands; and what it takes to be elected president of the United States.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
Sherwood Ross
 President Bush “beyond all reasonable doubt” is responsible for all the murders of American troops killed in Iraq and could be prosecuted by any of 140 Federal and State legal authorities, famed prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi says.
Ex-CIA Ray McGovern on Obama's 'New World'
The Real Network
 McGovern: "The game is over with Iraq and so the question is how does this strategic change effect the real players in the area."
McCain Not a Hero on Immigration
The Progressive
 Senator John McCain, who nominally favors limited "amnesty" for undocumented immigrants, has no plans to combat the deep roots of the US's immigration problems, according to Ramon Castellblanch.
Alexander Dismisses Economic Plans of Obama and McCain
Socialist Party USA
 Today, Vice Presidential Candidate Stewart A. Alexander attacked the economic programs of Barack Obama and John McCain; Alexander dismissed the economic proposals of both candidates as “campaign baiting to win votes.”
Collusion for Tyranny: The Media is Just as Guilty as Bush
 Kucinich has introduced the Articles of Impeachment against Bush... and the Media hasn't said shit. "Liberal Media" my ass! The Media is fucking fascist, end of story.
Democrats Don’t Care About You!
Reza Fiyouzat
 Public Service Announcement: You don’t need political analysts; just read the news. Singular lines of news suffice at times. You are now in the post-analytic age.
US Congress to Vote on New Impeachment Resolution - Take Action
 Congratulations to the tens of thousands of people who have been forcing Congress to take up the impeachment issue. The situation is rapidly changing mainly because of pressure from this nation-wide grassroots movement. There is not a second to lose.
The Death of Reaganomics
E.J. Dionne
 The biggest political story of 2008 is getting little coverage. It involves the collapse of assumptions that have dominated our economic debate for three decades. Since Reagan, free-market cliches have passed for sophisticated economic analysis. But in the current crisis, these ideas are falling as even conservatives recognize that capitalism is ailing.
There Is No Fourth Amendment
Lee Rogers
 George W. Bush recently signed HR 6304 or the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 into law that effectively makes the Fourth Amendment null and void. The new law disregards the protections guaranteed in the Fourth Amendment and allows the government to spy on people without a warrant so long as the government reasonably believes that they are gathering information on somebody from a foreign country.
Iran's Photoshopped Missiles Are "Glorified Scuds"
Steve Watson
 The events of the last two days surrounding the Iranian missile tests once again highlight that the perception of any threat Iran poses to the U.S. and even to Israel is wholly manufactured and has been blown out of all proportion by the Western media and, by proxy, the two presidential candidates.
Merida Initiative - A Much Debated Topic
Antonio O. Garza
 For the past few months, the Merida Initiative has been much debated in both the US and Mexico. While the Merida Initiative has been getting a lot of news coverage, there are many other aspects of our bilateral relationship that I'd like to share with you.
Remembering the Black Power Protest
Geoff Small
 Though mention of their names would draw blank expressions from most people, we all owe a great debt to Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The American sprinters made history when they mounted the Olympic victory stand and thrust their clenched, black-gloved fists into the night sky over Mexico City, on October 16 1968.
Controversy and Conspiracies
Mike Rudin
 After the huge response to Richard Porter's blogs last year about 9/11 Part of the conspiracy, I was very keen to get to the bottom of what exactly happened.
Obama and the Latino Vote
Sridhar Pappu
 "While I know how powerful a community you are," Obama said to the League of United Latin American Citizens, "I also know how powerful you could be if you translate your numbers into votes."
Let's Hope Election Solves Immigration Woes
Bill Boyne
 The disaster that struck the small town of Postville, Iowa, recently was a dramatic demonstration of what is wrong with U.S. immigration policy. Federal agents targeted Agriprocessors, a firm that produces kosher meat, and arrested 400 of the plant's 900 workers.
Mexican Drug Cartels and the Halls of Higher Learning
Allan Wall
 Mexico has a very extensive university system, in the hopes that higher education will contribute to the economic growth of the country. A recent report indicated that Mexico's narco industry is also taking advantage of Mexican universities.
Rebuild the World Trade Center
Deroy Murdock
 In olden days, Americans needed just 13 and a half months to erect the Empire State Building, four and a half years to build Hoover Dam, and six years, four months to install the Transcontinental Railroad. And yet this Independence Day, six years, nine months, and three weeks have elapsed since September 11, and Ground Zero remains an 80-foot-deep international embarrassment for the United States.
Obama's Trade Pledge May Hurt US
Andres Oppenheimer
 When I asked Mexican President Felipe Calderon about Democratic presumptive presidential candidate Barack Obama's pledge to renegotiate the U.S. free trade agreement with Mexico, I expected him to say that such a move would be catastrophic for Mexico. Interestingly, his first reaction was to say that it would be catastrophic for the United States.
Zapatistas: A Call To Action
Jessica Davies
 Article by the well-respected Oaxacan activist and founder of the University of the Earth. Gustavo was one of the EZLN's advisors in their negotiations with the Mexican government. This article was published in La Jornada 30th June 2008.
July 4th: State of the Nation
American News Project
 Despite the rise in gas prices, many Americans made the traditional pilgrimage to the nation's capital for July 4. At the White House we asked about people's deepest hopes and worries about the country's future after Independence Day.
What Patriotism Is, and Is Not
Michael Winship
 At the beginning of the week, a friend sent me a scurrilous, anonymous email attacking Barack Obama. Headlined "Something to Think About," it lists 13 acts of assassination, kidnapping, war and terrorism, all of which, it notes, were committed "by Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40."
Drug War Folly
Trevor Bothwell
 Well, it looks like American torture techniques are coming in pretty handy in places other than the American gulag at Gitmo. Television networks south of the border have released videos showing U.S. security contractors teaching Mexican police how to torture, ostensibly so they can learn how to withstand capture by rival drug gangs.
Should Marriage Be Saved?
Paul Campos
 Modern journalism should adopt the acronym NAOS (Not an Onion Story), to identify actual news that can't otherwise be distinguished from outright satire. A perfect candidate is the report that Sens. Larry Craig and David Vitter have co-sponsored the Marriage Protection Amendment.
Fireworks Are a Constitutional Right
Reg Henry
 With patriotism at high ebb around the Fourth of July, and the Second Amendment with perfect timing having been confirmed as an individual right to own guns, I believe it is the hour when we the people must assert our ancient right to keep and bear fireworks.
As McCain Panders, Our Borders Crumble
Bay Buchanan
 John McCain’s tough talk about national security is focused abroad. It would be better for him - and for America - if it were also focused on protecting us from the problems that are right next door.
NAFTA and the Elephant in the Room
Laura Carlsen
 It's rare for the junior partners of NAFTA — Mexico and Canada — to have a chance to sit down and discuss regional integration without the dominating influence of the United States. Even when they do, of course, the U.S. is the elephant in the room.
Alexander Agrees with Schwarzenegger, No Offshore Drilling
Peace and Freedom Party
 Socialist V.P. Candidate Stewart A. Alexander seldom agrees with any political positions of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; but when the issue is offshore oil drilling, Alexander firmly supports the Republican governor’s position to continue the prohibition on offshore drilling.
New Illegal Immigration Tactic: Litigation
Marion Edwyn Harrison
 Consistent with the early 19th Century, and remarkably prescient, de Tocqueville observation, the Federal Government effort to fence out unlawful immigrants seeking to cross the Mexican Border now reaches litigation.
Merida Initiative Represents a New Era of Cooperation
Antonio O. Garza
 The Merida Initiative represents a new era of cooperation which will amplify and strengthen existing law enforcement cooperation, intelligence sharing and training programs, and enhance coordination between the United States and Mexico.
Bill Gates: PC Genius, Internet Fool
Josh Quittner
 Few companies not born on the Web have figured out how to thrive there. A business with $26 billion in cash reserves isn't exactly at death's door. And Microsoft continues to be enormously profitable, thanks to its operating system monopoly. Thanks, that is, to Gates's genius.
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