66.1 F
Puerto Vallarta

25% of Covid-19 Test Results Positive in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – With one in four people who are tested for Covid-19 at the Health Center in downtown Puerto Vallarta testing positive, the director of the VIII Sanitary Region, Jaime Álvarez Zayas, urges the population to get tested if you have any respiratory infection symptoms.

After thirty new infections of Covid-19 were confirmed in Puerto Vallarta in the first week of January, Dr. Álvarez Zayas said that it is estimated that the number of cases will reach one hundred during the first month of 2023.

Therefore, he says, if you have any SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, joint pain, fever, runny nose or cough, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, you should immediately go to the Centro de Salud (Health Center), located on Jesús Langarica in El Centro, for a free test, available Monday-Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Álvarez Zayas stressed that the increase in cases has not been reflected in hospitalizations, which he attributed to the vaccination clinics that were carried out in the last two years. He went on to say that the majority of Vallartenses have had at least one dose of a biological, and a large part of the population has received the complete schedule of Covid vaccinations, including the booster.

He said that the application of reinforcement shots for children up to 17 years of age was concluded in the first week of January, but so far there is no date for when more Covid-19 vaccinations will be available for adults in Puerto Vallarta, since the clinic schedule is determined by federal authorities who have not yet given any indication as to when they might be.

Consequently, given the increases in Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs) in Puerto Vallarta this month, local health authorities recommend resuming the wearing of face masks, especially in poorly ventilated indoor spaces and in crowds, despite the fact that their mandatory use was lifted in the State of Jalisco in October 2021.

“Due to the fact that in this winter season there are seasonal influenza viruses and the coronavirus in circulation, as well as other respiratory diseases that have skyrocketed since December and will continue to rise, we highly recommend the use of a face mask. Although masking is no longer mandatory, each person can voluntarily decide to be responsible and use them,” said Álvarez Zayas.

Likewise, during this winter flu season, health authorities highly recommend reinforcing certain basic preventative measures, such as frequent hand washing, using antibacterial gel and keeping common use spaces well-ventilated.

This is especially important for the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women, or those who suffer from some comorbidity, among others.

Álvarez Zayas also recommends staying warm and going to the doctor if you have any symptoms. Or, better yet, go to the Health Center on Jesús Langarica street for a free Covid-19 detection test. While there, you can also ask for a free influenza vaccine, if you have not yet received a flu shot this year.

Source: Contra Línea

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