64.3 F
Puerto Vallarta

2nd Annual Isla de Los Muertos Celebration, November 1

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Plan to join the fun at the 2nd Annual Isla de Los Muertos Festival – Wednesday, November 1 from 4-10 pm. This family-friendly event will feature free entertainment and displays of ofrendas and Catrinas. Food & drink, face-painting and loteria games will be available for modest fees. Proceeds will benefit the Vallarta Garden Club and Amigos de la Isla Cuale efforts to protect the beauty and safety of the Isla Cuale.

For more information, visit the Facebook event page.

Amigos de La Isla Cuale’s mission is to restore and sustain what they call the “Green Heart of Vallarta” – La Isla Cuale. We envision a safe haven where locals, expats and tourists come together as a community to enjoy the arts, culture, nature, and history of the last remaining green space in PV.

For more information about Amigos de la Isla Cuale, visit islacuale.org

The Garden Club is a registered non-profit organization in Mexico that’s devoted to enhancing the beauty, appeal and value of Puerto Vallarta through vibrant public landscaping. Annual dues start at $500 pesos for individuals or $750 for couples and are used to support the club’s ongoing efforts to make Vallarta a more beautiful place. For more information, ‘Friend’ us on Facebook or visit vallartagardenclub.com.

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