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Puerto Vallarta

Five Ways You Can Help Puerto Vallarta Victims of Nora

Five Ways You Can Help Puerto Vallarta Victims of Nora
Whether or not you are here in Puerto Vallarta, you can provide much needed help to those who need it most.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – As reported earlier this week, the heavy rains that followed Hurricane Nora caused the Rio Cuale to overflow, leaving damaged lives and property in its wake. Whether you are at home, or here in Puerto Vallarta, here are a few ways you can provide much needed help to those who need it most.

Puerto Vallarta DIF

The Puerto Vallarta System for Integral Family Development (DIF) is collecting donations for those affected by the floods caused by Hurricane Nora.

The list of items needed includes:
• Non-perishable foods (canned and dried foods)
• Personal Hygiene articles (toothbrushes and tooth paste, soap, sanitary napkins)
• Baby Food & diapers
• Clothes in good condition
• Sheets, Blankets and towels

Donations can be dropped off at the central offices of DIF on Avenida de Las Palmas in Colonia Barrio Santa Maria from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm and at the Ixtapa Sports Stadium at Valentín Gomez Farías #207 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Vallarta Food Bank

The Vallarta Food Bank started when the pandemic hit, working to bring food to the community. In the past 18 months they expanded their operations to include soup kitchens, classes, showers, and more. Since last Sunday, they have been on the front lines providing much needed help to those who have lost homes and jobs, as well as food to the rescue workers. Click HERE to make a donation to Vallarta Food Bank.

They are also collecting the following for those who have lost everything to Nora:
• Clothing
• Home goods
• Non perishable food items
• Blankets
• Underwear and socks
• Bottled water

In-kind donations can be dropped off at the following locations:
• Vallarta Food Bank, Rio Lerma 468, Col. López Mateos
• Biblioteca Los Mangos, Francisco Villa 1001, Las Gaviotas
• Fundacion Down A.C., Tordo 158, Aralias II, Las Aralias
• Monzón Brewing Co., Venustiano Carranza 239, Zona Romántica

They could also use some help in the kitchen if you have the time and ability, please click HERE for more information.

Vallarta Food Bank co-founder Francie Nguyen is also the owner of Bonita Kitchen, the restaurant that collapsed into the river on Insurgentes, so she has set up a Go Fund Me page to help support the Bonito Kitchen staff.

Insurgentes 108 (La Surtidora del Puente) Puerto Vallarta

Funds are also being raised to help the people that were housed at Insurgentes 108. The flood caused the building to collapse, which destroyed businesses, apartments and lives. Please click HERE and donate via PayPal. Your donation will help rebuild the apartments and support the family that lost their 13-year-old son.

The SPCA of Puerto Vallarta

Since the river washed away the animal sanctuary, the SPCA de PV also needs your help. They bravely evacuated close to 60 animals in the middle of the night, during the hurricane, but now multiple dogs need to be fostered. There’s a need for food for the volunteers who are working at Aralias each day to take care of the dogs.

The dogs are now sheltered in carriers, but they can’t be cooped up for long so if you can foster, please email spcapv(at)gmail.com. You will be vetted as these dogs are the responsibility of the SPCA and it’s important that they are fostered in a caring home.

They also need dog walkers twice a day at 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. Please go to Calle Colibri #157, Col. Aralias – in front of Aralias Park and check in to walk a dog.

Two volunteers were living at the shelter and lost everything so need clothes and toiletries – women’s size medium and small. There is also a need for pesos to help with other necessities. You can help by going to spcapv.com and clicking on the DONATE button.

The International Friendship Club

The International Friendship Club, which supports many local charities, is also collecting monetary donations to help the people of Puerto Vallarta who need it most in this time of trouble. If you can help, please click HERE to make a donation.

If you are able to donate to any of the above, the people of Puerto Vallarta THANK YOU for your love and generosity. If you can’t, please keep Vallarta in your thoughts and in your hearts.

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