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Will Mexico End Daylight Savings Time on September 28?

Will Mexico End Daylight Savings Time on September 28?

Mexico City – On September 28, members of the Chamber of Deputies’ Energy Commission will rule on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposal to eliminate Daylight Saving Time in Mexico. This was agreed upon last week in an ordinary session, with the aim of presenting it at a plenary session before the end of the month.

Daylight savings time has been utilized in Mexico since 1996 and the reason for implementing it was to generate economic savings in terms of electrical energy.

AMLO’s proposal is to eliminate daylight savings time and maintain standard time permanently.

He argues that advancing the clock on the first Sunday in April and turning it back on the last Sunday in October every year harms people’s health and has not produced the energy savings that had been promised when it came into force in 1996.

“A study carried out by the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Electricity Commission, and the Ministry of Health concluded that the damage to health is greater than the importance of the economic savings obtained by lower consumption of energy,” the President reiterated.

The head of the Energy Commission, Manuel Rodríguez González, said that after carrying out a series of consultations and analyzes on Daylight Savings Time, it was observed that, with the passage of time and the progress of energy efficiency, the economic benefit and the savings obtained are minimal.

On the other hand, several sleep studies have shown that maintaining standard time permanently promotes a more stable biological rhythm, improves intellectual performance, and helps to reduce heart disease, obesity, insomnia and depression – especially in children and the elderly.

Rodríguez González said there is unanimity on this issue, so the cancellation of the twice-yearly time change ‘is practically a reality.’

He explained that within the proposal there is an exception for the municipalities that border the United States in order not to affect commercial exchange.

With information from La Jornada.

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