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Ciruela – A High Iron Fruit that Helps Combat Fatigue
Ciruela Mexicana come in many different shapes. This tropical fruit is full of vitamins and minerals but is best known for having high levels of Vitamin C and Iron, contributing to more energy, reducing anemia, boosting immune function and is great for reducing fatigue. Try this sugar-free Ciruela and Chia Spread instead of jam.
Need a Bit of an Internal Spring Cleaning? Try Guanabana
Do you feel like you need a bit of an internal spring cleaning? With the change of season, now is a good time to make some positive changes to your diet too! If you like the taste of strawberries and pineapple, then you will love the flavor combinations of Guanabana, a tropical fruit which has body cleansing benefits.
Try This Calabaza Soup Recipe to Lower Caloric Intake
The calabaza squash not only fills you up, but provides your body with high amounts of Vitamin A, B1, C, Folic Acid, and Minerals Potassium, as well as being rich in fiber, antioxidants, and virtually no fats. So go ahead and give this vegetable (technically a fruit) a try, and enjoy knowing it won’t affect your waistline!
The Amazing Digestive Benefits of Papaya – and a Recipe
Originating from Mexico, the Papaya has many health benefits ranging from heart health, eye health and skin health to digestive health. In this article, we will discuss the amazing digestive benefits that this juicy fruit offers, and share a recipe that will make you want to run to the ‘fruteria’ to get some of your own!
Try this Raw Elote Salad Recipe for an Energy Boost!
Here in Mexico, the most common type of corn you will find is white corn, also known as 'Elote'. While this corn is not as sweet as the yellow varieties, it does pair well with a lot of savory dishes. Elote is high in B-vitamins, which is important for the conversion of carbohydrates, protein and fats into glucose - or energy.
The Amazing Health and Beauty Benefits of Blueberries
Out of all the different types of berries in the world blueberries top my list every time! These amazing purple superfoods contain potent polyphenol and antioxidant properties that have various health benefits including benefits to beautify the skin and anti-aging. Who wouldn’t love that?
‘Silly’ Season Tips to Help You Avoid New Year Regrets
With 'silly' season in full swing, we entertain more, eat more, drink more, and sit around more while socializing, eating, drinking, and of course, sunbathing! With all this debauchery, it is no wonder that it is common to gain a few pounds at this time of the year. Tips to start the New Year off a little lighter, instead of regretful.
Health Benefits of Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) – and a Recipe
Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) not only looks and tastes interesting, but also contains prebiotics, which are foods that feed the healthy bacteria called probiotics in your gut. It’s naturally fat-free and high in fiber. This Pitaya Digestive Fruit Bowl recipe makes a good snack because it can help keep you full between meals.
Reduce Inflammation with this Tomatillo Salsa Recipe
Tomatillos, also known as green tomatoes, are native to Mexico and, unlike its look-alike tomatoes, is classified as a vegetable, not a fruit, because its nutritional profile is much different. Historically tomatillos have been used to treat arthritis, joint and muscle conditions, due to over 14 phytochemicals found in this vegetable.
Yaca/Jackfruit a Good Source for Vegan Protein
Yaca has many health benefits ranging from helping with bowel health, skin issues, blood pressure and blood sugars to immune health. However, what is becoming increasingly popular is its use as a meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians, mainly due to its meat-like texture and high protein content.