76.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Act2PV Vallarta Nov 27-Dec 4 Shows

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Act2PV is thrilled to announce that live entertainment has returned to Puerto Vallarta! For the past eight months, no one knew what the future held for the entertainment industry. But, based on the past two weeks at Act2PV, people love having their entertainment back… SAFELY!

As the world navigates its way through finding a “new normal,” Act2PV is very serious about protecting its clients, staff, and entertainers. In addition to observing all government requirements (mandatory masks, hand sanitizers, feet sanitizers, temperatures taken, etc), Act2PV has opened the only OPEN-AIR theater in Puerto Vallarta, The Starlight Cabaret.

With its reduced capacity, reserved seating at tables, and Covid protocol – requiring masks, temperatures taken and sanitizing gel in all theaters – Act2PV has also implemented extra safety measures in its Main Stage theater, including reduced seating capacity, ozone purifiers, ozone disinfectors, air purifiers and HEPA filters.

Act2PV, “The Best Performing Arts Venue in Banderas Bay,” is also rated as #4 of the “Top Things To Do in Puerto Vallarta” by TripAdvisor. This beautiful 5-star venue truly brings you THE BEST OF THE BEST in its 2020/2021 season, presenting something for everyone!

If you are visiting Puerto Vallarta and are looking for something fun to do, please join us at Act2PV! Tickets are available at act2pv.com and at the box office, open daily 10am-10 pm.


As the world navigates its way through finding a new normal, please understand that Act2PV is very serious about protecting our clients, our staff, and our entertainers.

A Note from Act2PV Founding Partner, Danny Mininni

What an exciting two weeks we have had! Lots of opening night shows, many of them “sold out!” (It’s much easier to say “sold out” when you have reduced capacity seating!) But nonetheless, Act2PV is off to a flying start, and people seem genuinely thrilled with the new Starlight Cabaret, the social distanced seating in the bar and on the outside patio, and all of the Covid Protocol changes we have made to the entire facility.

This year, Alfonso Lopez and I decided to create and produce our own shows here at Act2PV. We actually started creating the shows and rehearsing back in March. While I plan and produce, Alfonso is the one that directs, rehearses, prepares rehearsal tracks, chooses orchestrations, and the list goes on and on… But I want to take a moment to say “Thank You” to Alfonso for being such an amazing creative partner. Act2PV is the dream it is because of you and what you bring to it.

I am also very proud to introduce our first Act2PV Art Director, Kato Espinosa. Over the past 8 seasons, one of the most frustrating parts of my job has always been trying to take the vision in my head and have it created on paper. Kato is the first designer we have had that does not need my input. We have just “set him free,” and he “gets” it! Kato is such an incredible thinker that I have decided to step aside from that part of the creative process and just let him run with it. Alfonso, Oscar and I are so happy to have Kato on our team.

I had a very special experience the other night. I had gone to El Pollo Feliz to pick up some chicken for our crew. A man walked up to me and started thanking me, congratulating me, and telling what a good job I did with the new Starlight Cabaret and Act2PV! I was speechless! It’s amazing what an impact a stranger can have. I felt like he was an Angel sent by my dad, just when I needed him the most. I don’t think he knew how humbled and thankful I was by his comments, but whoever you were, thank you. It’s people like you that make all the work worthwhile!

BREAKING NEWS: I did not want to make it official until we were 100% sure that the new Starlight Cabaret was a success and people were comfortable in the “new normal.” But I am pleased to announce that one of our long-time favorites, Delighted Tobehere, will be opening her headliner show on December 29! She will be here through April! We can’t wait!

Have a great week, everybody, and hope to see you soon at Act2PV!
Virtual Hugs,
Danny Mininni


“OMG! I am still flying high. What an incredible night. The best thing to happen all year. Lord Danny Mininni you outdid yourself. Absolutely blown away by the new venue up on the “roof” being open air. All protocol in place with only tables for 4 and appropriately spaced.

We were so grateful to be among the 100+ people who were treated to the opening Extravaganza A Night in Sorrento! Danny Minnini and all of his gracious staff deserves kudos, pats on the back to have put together such a special evening! Greeted with sparkling wine, antipasti, lasagne and meatballs (prepared by our host), cookies and chocolate milk, topped off by a performance by Reflections, an incredibly talented trio of beautiful ladies. This was no easy feat to accomplish but you, Sr. Minnini, knocked it out of the park! Gracias! Thank you! Graci!

“We went to Marc Lopez’s Crooners and Legends at Act II and were amazed by the performance. Marc can really sing – what a fantastic voice. I don’t think he needs a microphone like most singers and his range is great. The songs were beautiful, inspirational, and emotional. The venue is small so you feel like you are being sung to in a really intimate setting. I highly recommend the show and only wish we’d had time before our vacation ended to see some of the other shows that featured Marc Lopez.”

“What a brilliant show that was tonight. Excellent entertainment. The whole experience of the venue was exceptional.”

“The Best of Broadway features four of the best singers I’ve ever heard. All quintessential Broadway hits, from the classics to today, are included. The dancing is great, but the singing will sweep you off your feet, make you laugh, and bring you to tears. Outstanding!”

“…Brian Peters aka Mama Tits, blew the top off my whole heart with an ANOTHER amazing performance! Y’all know I love me a GOOD drag queen who is not only beautiful outside but has the talent and personality to keep your soul captured! I smiled so hard last night. It was the first night out like that for me since February of this year. I felt blessed. I felt the love and support for the entertainment family but more importantly I felt safe. Our little city is coming back and my heart feels so warm.”

“This is a jewel in the town of Puerto Vallarta. Every show I’ve seen in Act ll entertainment has been great and MJ Live was no exception. From a professional Michael Jackson impersonator with amazing moves, to amazing acrobats and professional dancers, just like in Las Vegas. Highly recommended!”


Fabulous Friday, November 27
6:00 pm – Opening Night: Linda Ronstadt: In My Voice, a musical tribute to Linda Ronstadt
7:00 pm – Best of Broadway, a beautiful musical/dance revue of your favorite Broadway Show tunes

Super Saturday, November 28
6:00 pm – Opening Night: Legends, a tribute to the music of Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Nicks & Carole King (LIVE BAND)
9:00 pm – The Bi*ch is Back!

Sunday Funday, November 29
6:00 pm – MJ LIVE, a musical singing/dancing tribute to Michael Jackson
7:00 pm – Opening Night: ABBA/Elton John, featuring Us Two and their LIVE BAND!

Marvelous Monday, November 30
6:00 pm – Diana Sings Ross, a musical tribute to Diana Ross, featuring Diana Villamonte
9:00 pm – MAMA TITS, starring in The Bitch Is Back!

Terrific Tuesday, December 1
6:00 pm – Crooners, Marc Lopez sings Jersey Boys, Frankie Valli, Michael Buble & more
7:00 pm – Limitless, singer/actor & International Champion Pole Dancer, Steven Retchless

Wonderful Wednesday, December 2
6:00 pm – Hello Barbra/Hello Bette, a celebration of Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler
7:00 pm – Fleetwood Mac/Eagles, musical tribute featuring Us Two & their LIVE BAND

Thankful Thursday, December 3
6:00 pm – Reflections, tribute to The Supremes, Andrews & Pointer Sisters, Dreamgirls, etc
9:00 pm – Opening Night: Tossed Salad, featuring 6 time HX Magazine “Drag Queen of the Year” Award Winner, Hedda Lettuce

Fabulous Friday, December 4
6:00 pm – Linda Ronstadt: In My Voice, a musical tribute to Linda Ronstadt (LIVE BAND)
7:00 pm – Best of Broadway, musical/dance revue of your favorite Broadway Show tunes

Please check out the many reviews for Act2PV shows on TripAdvisor, GoogleMyBusiness.com and Facebook, then go to act2pv.com for more show information, additional performance dates, and to purchase your tickets. You can also get tickets at the Act2PV Box Office, which is open daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Click HERE to read descriptions of all the shows playing at Act2PV this month. Because of the uncertainty of current Covid protocols, please check act2pv.com for any last-minute changes to the show schedule.


Tossed Salad 2
Featuring Six-time “Drag Queen of the Year” Award-winner (HX magazine), Hedda Lettuce
Opening Night: Thursday, December 3 at 9:00 pm
Continuing Shows: Every Thursday & Friday at 9:00 pm

Hedda Lettuce is delighted to celebrate her sixth season at Act2PV with her one woman Comedy/Cabaret show, “Tossed Salad 2!” Fresher comedy, crisper live singing, and cool light dancing will make this show the hit of the season! Hedda will toss your salad with her delicious brand of stand-up comedy, bawdy and biting all-live singing (NOT lip-synched), and incredible improvisational skills. No two shows are alike, and laughter is guaranteed! Make “The Queen of Green” part of your comedy diet, and you’ll be a regular customer of Hedda’s shows for years to come!

Miss Lettuce is one of New York City’s premiere drag queens and keeps the audience screaming with laughter for the entire show! She has appeared in Sex And The City, Rupaul’s Drag Race, Betty, and Project Runway, on HBO & Comedy Central and in many independent films, as well as many off-Broadway productions. Hedda was the first drag performer to headline at Caroline’s Comedy Club In NYC. Michael Musto, NYC Journalist and writer for Out.com, hails Hedda as “The undisputed grand dame of the drag comedy set. This glamorous green goddess is always shady, inappropriate and hilarious! She works the audience like none other.” She is a single mother to a chihuahua named Lupe.


• Follies La Rouge
• Elvis, Young & Sexy
• Steve Grand
• Delighted Tobehere
• Creedence Clearwater Revival, a musical tribute
• Mamma Mia!

With shows every night, Act2PV has been voted the #1 Entertainment Venue in the Banderas Bay area. If you are looking for high-quality theatrical productions, internationally renowned musical cabaret, or drag shows, Act2PV continues to bring you the BEST OF THE BEST entertainment for the 2020/2021 season. This beautiful, 5-star venue truly has something for everyone to enjoy.

Act2PV’s incredible entertainment, with its amazing sound and lighting systems, is on par with any theater in North America. Excellent live musical entertainment (with no cover) is also offered in the beautiful, fully-equipped Encore Bar, so come early and enjoy a drink before the show.

Tickets to all shows can be purchased online at Act2PV.com, or at the box office, which is open daily from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.

The Act2PV Entertainment complex is located on the corner of Insurgentes and Basilio Badillo on the South side of Puerto Vallarta. For more information, call (322) 222-1512, or follow Act II on Facebook. Click HERE to see what else is playing at Act2PV.

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