Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – According to the president of the Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas Association of Entrepreneurs, Jorge Villanueva Hernández, the BBVA Foundation is willing to provide one student with a scholarship for every scholarship student sponsored by a Banderas Bay area business or organization.
The business leader explained that, after learning that the student scholarship program of said foundation, which has a very significant amount of resources for this purpose, is currently supporting only two students in the Banderas Bay area, (one attending a University in Nayarit and the other the Centro Universitario de la Costa), BBVA councilors who work in this region decided to do something to help the large number of students facing adverse conditions.
“I talked with other councilors who said that, by making an effort, more scholarships could be achieved for students in this region. We talked with the director of the Foundation and made an agreement in which if the private initiative provides a scholarship, the Foundation provides another. From the outset, CMQ hospitals will be providing five scholarships, which will be matched by the BBVA Foundation for a total of ten students,” he said.
He stressed that the scholarships are not just for university students, they are also for high school, secondary and even primary school students, so if more companies, or even government agencies, participate in this program, much could be done to help kids get an education during these difficult times.
“I don’t see another solution for the country other than education, there is no other way [to progress]; We are going to enter a deep hole of inflation, probably an economic recession, and we need the push of public universities giving us more and better graduates,” said Villanueva.
For this reason, he invited local businessmen and those in other sectors, including the public, to join in this effort to make more scholarships a reality. He said that the BBVA Foundation only asks that the applications be structured for high-quality students.
Source: Contra Línea