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Carlos Slim Another Victim of Covid

Mexico City, Mexico – Mexican magnate Carlos Slim, who will turn 81 on Thursday, has suffered from Covid-19 with “minor symptoms” for more than a week, according to his son, Carlos Slim Domit.

“I comment that my father preventively went to the National Institute of Nutrition for clinical analysis, monitoring and timely treatment and, after more than a week of minor Covid-19 symptoms, he is doing very well and feeling better every day,” the businessman’s heir reported via Twitter.

Carlos Slim, born in Mexico City in 1940, is the richest man in Mexico with an estimated fortune of $52 billion dollars.

The Carlos Slim Foundation signed an agreement last August to contribute to the production of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in Mexico and Argentina, which thanks to his donation will be distributed throughout Latin America.

The agreement with the pharmaceutical company contemplates an initial supply of 150 million doses in the Latin American region, excluding Brazil, a country covered by the AstraZeneca agreement with the government of that country.

Mexico is already packaging these vaccines, although they have not yet reached the market.

Privately, the tycoon is known for his simplicity and austerity, and in public, for his good nose for business, which has led him in his 80s to amass more than $52 billion dollars, according to Forbes Magazine’s 2020 list of The World’s Richest People.

Slim came to head that list between 2010 and 2012 and currently occupies the 12th position worldwide, since his fortune has been affected in recent years by the sometimes irregular performance of the mobile phone operator América Móvil, which, nevertheless, continues being the largest telecommunications firm in Latin America.


For his part, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is “well and strong” after testing positive for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and continues “to fully exercise his functions as president,” the Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, revealed on Tuesday.

“I think we can say with all sincerity and frankness that he is well, strong and solving all current and pending public affairs, as well as remotely attending some meetings,” explained Sánchez Cordero, who is stepping in for AMLO at the president’s morning press conferences.

López Obrador, 67, announced on Sunday that he tested positive for the coronavirus and that he has “mild” symptoms after a tour of San Luis Potosí and Nuevo León. Several members of his cabinet, including the Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, the Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, and the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, have confined themselves after having been in close contact with the president.

A multi-disciplinary team of specialists in immunology and infectiology, led by the Secretary of Health, Dr. Jorge Alcocer, is keeping an eye on the Head of State.

Likewise, contacts that were recently with the president within two meters and for a minimum period of 20 minutes are being tracked.

Source: El Diario NTR (EFE article translated and edited by Diego Sancho for BanderasNews.com.)

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