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Puerto Vallarta
News Republic

Mexico Increases Chile Production

Much more than just a spicy vegetable, chile peppers are a mosaic of flavors, colors, and textures that give great value to this crop. Mexico is one of the world's three largest producers of chiles, with 29 varieties and an annual production of 3.18 million tons.

Jalisco Mango Varieties for Export

The coast of Jalisco produces 113,000 tons of mango but only exports a third of its production. As a result, Jalisco is promoting the production of the more profitable late flowering varieties for the international market, where the mango has a high demand.

Alejandro Prietos Mexican Jaguar Story

In 2018, Alejandro Prieto, a prize-winning nature photographer whose pictures have graced the pages of National Geographic, embarked on a year-long project to photograph the Mexican jaguar in its natural environment, in hopes of spurring conservation efforts.

See Comet NEOWISE on July 23

Stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere should enjoy every opportunity to see Comet NEOWISE as it streaks across the evening sky for the rest of July. Once it disappears from view, the comet will not be visible in Earth's skies for another 6,800 years, according to NASA.

Mexicans Design Transparent Face Masks

Researchers at the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Studies in Jalisco, Mexico, have created a transparent face mask that is as efficient as the N95, the most commonly used face masks by medical personnel working with COVID-19 sufferers worldwide.

Mexico Discovers Aztec Palace Ruins

Mexican archaeologists have found the remains of the homes of Aztec ruler Axayacatl and Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes in Mexico City. The site is located under the historic Nacional Monte de Piedad building near the capital city's central plaza.

Mexico US Border Restrictions Extended

The Ministry of Foreign Relations announced on Tuesday that the governments of Mexico and the United States have agreed to extend the restrictions on non-essential land traffic on their common border until August 21, due to the continued spread of COVID-19 in both countries.

Safran Expanding Mexico Operations

A second foreign company has announced a multi-million dollar manufacturing investment in neighboring Chihuahua, Mexico. France-based Safran Group will pump an initial $10 million into a new airplane-seats factory that'll bring up to 800 jobs to the state, Mexican officials said.

Ria Money Transfer OXXO Mexico

An agreement between Ria Money Transfer and OXXO enables customers from all over Mexico to receive money at great exchange rates through Ria's network of approximately 402,000 locations in more than 150 countries, including the U.S. and Canada, at any OXXO location.

Mexico Fighting Climate Change Classroom

The role of children as climate change educators is often overlooked in policy - but it can play a significant role. A new initiative, presented to Mexico's Congress, hopes to insert climate change education into the national curriculum for schools.
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