76.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Music Institute News 3

Our new Youth Chamber Orchestra gave a very well received concert at our new home in the Gourmet Station campus in June. Again, it...

Summer Specials at Kaiser Maximilian Restaurant

Though Kaiser Maximilian Restaurant is best-known for serving Puerto Vallarta residents and visitors exceptional Austrian fare, through August 28 this charming European-style café is also offering diners a taste of something different... mouth-watering seafood specialties.

‘Beers, Boys & Burgers’ Hotel Mercurio

The poolside bar at Hotel Mercurio has long been a favorite hangout for locals, expats and tourists. On Sundays, the party amps up a few notches with the 'Beers, Boys & Burgers' Party, featuring the hunky Mercurio boys grilling up tasty hamburger sliders and all the beers you can drink for $250 pesos!
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