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Puerto Vallarta

Color, Creativity and Music at the Puerto Vallarta Graffiti Fest

Color, Creativity and Music at the Puerto Vallarta Graffiti Fest

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – On April 9th & 10th, Puerto Vallarta will host the 12th edition of ‘Graffiti Fest,’ an event full of color, creativity and music, with the participation of 35 local, national and international urban artists, as well live entertainment by 10 Rap and Ska Reggae bands.

According to the coordinator of the Municipal Institute for Youth Services (IMAJ), Bryan Rodríguez Bernal, this event will take place in El Cora Park, located on Paseo del Marlín between the Las Gaviotas subdivision and the Los Delfines neighborhood, from eleven in the morning until ten o’clock at night.

“During this twelfth edition of ‘Graffiti Fest,’ a group of 35 artists, which consists of both men and women between 14 and 37 years of age, will leave their mark on our city in this festival of color and creativity, which will also feature live music,” Rodríguez Bernal explained.

The municipal official indicated that the objective of the event is to generate awareness and responsibility in young people and in the general public. “We, as the Municipal Institute for Youth Care, have a duty to support young people who enjoy this type of art and activities, to showcase the local talents. Through their creativity, their strokes, colors and drawings, they share their visions and messages to society in public spaces.”

He ended by inviting citizens to attend and to encourage young people to participate, to be part of this event that takes place every year, with expressions that are becoming more and more noticeable in Vallarta neighborhoods – and especially in the downtown area where urban art is sought after by tourism.

“It is a proud moment for them when their talent is recognized and their work is respected, because the drawings and the strokes that they capture are leaving a clear message,” he said.

Source: El Vallartense

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