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Puerto Vallarta

Covid Restrictions Lifted in Jalisco

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – On February 11, Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez announced that the restrictions that the Government of Jalisco implemented to contain COVID-19 worked, and that the number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in the state has been greatly reduced.

He specified that due to restrictions on economic activity and the collaboration of citizens in staying at home, the number of active cases in the state had dropped from around 11,000 earlier this year to just 6,578 on Thursday, and pointed out that the recent numbers have influenced the National Epidemic Traffic Light, which yesterday returned the State of Jalisco to the orange level.

In light of this, all of the containment measures that were mandated on January 16 – the last to be taken under the Jalisco COVID-19 Plan designed 11 months ago to face the health emergency, and which “undoubtedly benefited our State” – will be lifted on Saturday, February 13, 2021.

This afternoon, the Governor announced the new measures that will be implemented as part of the Jalisco COVID 2021 Plan, a long-term approach for the remainder of 2021 that is based on “coexistence, adaptation and social responsibility.”

He said that although the COVID-19 plan worked well and “served its purpose, we have a year of work ahead of us in which, although the vaccination program is advancing, we are going to have to live with the risk.”

He assured that the COVID 2021 Plan will “allow us to continue with the reactivation of the economy” and that when making this new plan, unlike 2020, “we have accumulated experience and scientific evidence that sheds more light on what we have to do.”

He went on to say that “we want to assure the population, let everyone know that with this new plan we are going to be able to resume our daily activities by lowering the level of risk and generating clear rules that we all have to apply and respect.”

Among the measures that will be maintained under the COVID 2021 Plan are:

• Social distancing
• Use of face masks
• Frequent hand washing
• Adequate ventilation of all spaces, especially closed rooms
• Attention to priority groups: people over 60 years of age, pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, people with diabetes, people with obesity, people with diseases that cause immunosuppression.

Evaluations and adjustments will be made to the Jalisco 2021 Plan as the year progresses, and there will be a midterm evaluation on June 15, as well as on special occasions such as:

• Semana Santa (Easter holidays)
• May 10, Mother’s Day
• The June 6th elections

In the case of Semana Santa, the provisions to be implemented for those dates will be announced a month in advance of the holidays.

The return to face-to-face classes in Jalisco is scheduled to begin in August.

For detailed information (in Spanish) about the Jalisco COVID-19 Plan restrictions that have been lifted, and the protocols to be followed under the Plan Jalisco 2021, click HERE, and scroll through the pages.

Sources: jalisco.gob.mxunotv.com

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