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HomeDemocrats Abroad Mexico

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Democrats Abroad Mexico - Costa Banderas Chapter

The official organization of the Democratic Party in Mexico

Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.

Democrats Abroad provides the following benefits:

• Help Americans abroad vote in U.S. elections.
• Protect the right to vote for Americans abroad.
• Work with US government officials and elected representatives to advocate for issues that concern Americans abroad
• Work with the broader Democratic Party to achieve our goals.
• Build communities of like-minded Americans around the world.
• Help elect Democrats in every congressional district in the U.S.
• Advocate for legislation to expand the voting rights of Americans Abroad

2020 was a record-breaking year for Democrats Abroad, as we nearly tripled our outreach to Americans abroad and are on track to double the vote from abroad in 2024. The unique challenges presented by the global COVID pandemic and international mail disruption made these achievements particularly significant.

Democrats Abroad is a 100% volunteer-run organization, with active chapters across six continents and members who vote in every U.S. state and congressional district. Costa Banderas is one of the eight chapters in Mexico. One of our main goals is to educate U.S. citizens in the Costa Banderas area on how to vote in elections. It’s important to elect Democratic candidates and protect our democracy.

Would you like to volunteer? We are always looking for volunteers to help plan and organize events, to recruit new members and to educate voters. Click HERE to contact us to volunteer. Democrats Abroad Costa Banderas is a non-profit so we always need donations to help our Get-Out-The-Vote efforts. You can donate at DemocratsAbroad.org.

If you live in Puerto Vallarta or the greater Banderas Bay area and need voting assistance, Contact the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico at Info-MX-CostaBanderas(at)democratsabroad.org and we’ll be in touch.


Join Democrats Abroad for Coffee on the Beach April 1

The Costa Banderas chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico invites U.S. citizens in Puerto Vallarta to its upcoming Coffee Time event on Tuesday, April 1. From 9 to 11 am, attendees can gather at Langostinos Restaurant on Playa de Los Muertos to connect over coffee and conversation.

Community Coffee & Action: Democrats Abroad Gathering at Langostinos

The Costa Banderas chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico extends an invitation to its upcoming Coffee Time event. On Tuesday, March 4th, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, members and interested Americans are welcome to convene at Langostinos on Playa de Los Muertos to engage in meaningful dialogue and community building.

Nacho Daddy Hosts Democrats Abroad Election Night Party

The Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico is hosting an Election Victory Party on November 5 at Nacho Daddy in Puerto Vallarta. U.S. citizens can gather to await results, enjoy food, drinks, and trivia. It’s a chance to celebrate and connect with fellow Americans living abroad.

Voter Registration Assistance for U.S. Citizens in Banderas Bay

Democrats Abroad is assisting U.S. citizens in the Banderas Bay area with voting in the 2024 general elections. Trained Vote From Abroad volunteers are available every Wednesday in October to guide you through the FPCA process from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in Puerto Vallarta and from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in Bucerías.

Elections Just Around the Corner, What U.S. Citizens Need to Know

By now you know there’s a U.S. Presidential Election coming this fall! The Vote From Abroad Organization recommends that U.S. Citizens living abroad register or request ballots annually. But what happens after you’ve registered and requested your ballot? The Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico explains.

Democrats Abroad Readies for US Elections, 4th of July

The Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico has some exciting events lined up for American citizens living in Puerto Vallarta. From U.S. Voter Registration Assistance and a Presidential Debate Watch Party to a fun-filled Fourth of July Celebration, there's something for everyone.

Democrats Abroad Costa Banderas Chapter’s Upcoming Events

Are you a U.S. citizen living in Puerto Vallarta? If so, mark your calendars for two of the Democrats Abroad Costa Banderas Chapter's upcoming events - Voter Registration Assistance by Vote From Abroad volunteers on June 12 & 26 at Let’s Pho PV Vietnamese Kitchen, and Coffee on the Beach on Tuesday, June 11 at Langostinos.

DACB Offers US Voter Registration Assistance at Hotel Mercurio

Democrats Abroad is helping US citizens in Puerto Vallarta Vote From Abroad for the upcoming 2024 primary and general elections. Trained VFA volunteers will be at Hotel Mercurio to help you navigate the FPCA process from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm on Wednesdays, May 8th and 22nd, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Democrats Abroad Costa Banderas Celebrates Vallarta Pride 2024

Gay Pride in Puerto Vallarta is a time of celebration for LGBTQ+ and for people who honor diversity, equity, and inclusion! Your local chapter of Democrats Abroad joins in Puerto Vallarta's celebration by presenting a screening of 'Stonewall Uprising' at 2 pm on Tuesday, May 21 at Nacho Daddy.

Democrats Abroad Reach Out to US Citizens in Puerto Vallarta

Are you a U.S. citizen living in Puerto Vallarta? If so, mark your calendars for two of the Democrats Abroad Costa Banderas Chapter's upcoming events - Voter Registration Assistance by Vote From Abroad volunteers on April 24 at Hotel Mercurio, and a Happy Hour Social on Thursday, April 25 at Whiskey Kitchen.