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Did The Jetsons Predict the Pandemic

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – For many, the Covid-19 pandemic meant learning to use tools and technologies that they did not know existed, like taking classes and working online or having to put on protective devices before going out, but they were part of everyday (albeit fictional) life of the characters in the 1960’s cartoon, “The Jetsons”.

Premiering in 1962, the futuristic family cartoon was set 100 years in the future in the year 2062. But surprisingly, many of the technologies they predicted in the cartoon became a reality in 2020, when the coronavirus reared its ugly head.

The story followed George Jetson, his wife Jane, their teenage daughter Judy and son Elroy, a robotic maid named Rosie and a talking dog named Astro, among others.

The Jetson family lived in a utopian future. People lived in housing in the sky, had a three-day workweek, drove aerocars that looked like flying saucers, and had incredible conveniences, like robot servants. They also had five things that have become part of our everyday lives over the last year:

In an episode in which Elroy feels bad, with the push of a button his mother calls a doctor who treats him through a screen. This has become more and more common since the pandemic began. Today, in addition to virtual doctors’ appointments, even psychological consultations are being made by video call.

In the intro of the cartoon, when George is sending his children off to school and dropping his wife off at the mall, they are encased in capsules that remind many of the current use of face masks as they are both used to protect loved ones.

With restrictions in place, such as the closing of gyms, healthy distancing and staying at home, to avoid more Covid infections, people began to train more at home with YouTube videos or live classes transmitted by social networks such as Instagram or platforms such as Zoom. This was also normal for the Jetsons. In one episode, we see Jane getting up, turning on her screen and exercising from home.

Even the most basic communication between people had to become virtual in 2020 and, with the pandemic raging on, it doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon. This seemed to be the norm for The Jetsons, as they are shown having video calls and “Face Time” conversation with friends and family in many episodes.

Poor George, his boss, Mr. Spacely, would never leave him alone, so we often saw him working from home, as thousands of people have had to learn to do over the last year. While many people continue to go to “the office” at least a few times a week, others are learning the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely via an Internet connection.

So, those of you who think that The Jetsons was a silly cartoon about flying cars and space ships, think again! In some ways, Hanna Barbera’s classic cartoon actually predicted the future that we are now living in the era of Covid-19.

El Universal article translated and edited by Lorena Sonrisas for BanderasNews.com.

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