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Puerto Vallarta

Entreamigos San Pancho 2019-2020 Season

San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico – A new season has begun at Entreamigos, an active community center whose primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho. To achieve these goals, Entreamigos runs a collection of educational and community based workshops and initiatives. Here’s the latest news from Entreamigos:


Ever want to know more about the great stuff that happens at Entreamigos but didn’t know how? Come get a free tour of our Community Center. Tours are offered for groups and individuals daily at 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. When you step through our doors, it may take a second to realize everything that happens under one roof! There are children crawling in our Ludoteca, students getting homework help, and one of our newest initiatives… guitar lessons! Thanks to Walter, a new member of our education team, children can drop in any afternoon and get free tutorials in guitar and ukulele. We hope to see you soon!


Entreamigos Welcome Back Party 2019
Monday, December 9, 5:00-7:00 pm

To kick off this season, we are pleased to invite you to our annual Welcome Back event and benefit for our library. This fun cocktail event is a great way to catch up with everyone in town, while supporting the Entreamigos library and the annual donation fund for new book purchases.

Libraries are powerful! They bring families together, open children’s minds up to a world of adventure and imagination, and create community. Here at the Entreamigos library over 200 children and families a day come to get lost in the world of books. Each year our education team attends the International Book Fair in Guadalajara and brings back lots of beautiful books to add to our library’s growing collection.

Join us on Monday, December 9, 2019 from 5:00-7:00 pm for a fun evening of appetizers, cocktails, and a few literary surprises. A donation of just $20 USD will get you a ticket, so Click HERE to get your tickets Now!

Entreamigos 2019 Holiday Party
Monday, December 16, 4:00-6:00 pm

Join us on Monday, December 16th from 4:00- to 6:00 pm for a festive afternoon filled with fun activities for the whole family – pictures with Santa, art projects, piñatas, tamales and more! This year, we are thrilled to announce that Dianna David, the pioneer of The Red Ball Movement, will be performing. This party is not to be missed! And, it’s Free for all children and families!

Entreamigos’ Holiday Food Baskets Program
Each year Entreamigos provide over 100 San Pancho families with food baskets for the holidays complete with all the essentials for a family meal, including gifts for the children. Please consider making a difference in the lives of a San Pancho family this holiday season. If you would like to support this important work, please consider making a tax deductible donation by clicking HERE.


Entreamigos in the Community
On October 26 staff members hit the streets to pick up trash and to change out the plants on the tops of the 15 trash bins along San Pancho’s main avenue. We had fun making our roads a little more beautiful!

Next month, we will be helping clean up our garden space on December 4th at 8:30 am. Feel free to grab some gloves and join our efforts!

We do our best to promote responsible actions in public waste but we must all work together to continue this work. Everyone can support the San Pancho Recycling Program by depositing clean glass, plastic and metal in one of the 137 recycling bins around town. Buy LESS, Reuse MORE!

Day of the Dead Celebration
Every year Entreamigos participates in the town’s celebration of Day of the Dead. We painted children’s faces and made a community altar in the Plaza del Sol. In addition, this year Entreamigos created in our library the “Altar of the Forgotten Books.” Staff and community members were encouraged to think of their loved ones’ favorite books to add the to this lovely memorial. Thank you to Estefania, part of our education team, for this beautiful initiative.

Grupo Selva in the Selva
A special thank you goes out to Alejandro Perla and his beautiful orchid garden Lo de Perla in Las Lomas. He generously hosted 20 children from our jungle group program to have an exciting and educational field trip, learning about the jungle plants that surround our community.

Here are some of the students’ comments: “I didn’t know that palm trees and grass were in the same family!” • “Wow! There are so many different types of flowers.” • “I loved being able to see the ocean from the jungle!”

The Jungle Group is a partial scholarship program for children who learn best in environments outside of a typical classroom setting. These field trips provide them with space to develop social skills and realize that learning can be fun!


How You Can Help
You can support the important work of Entreamigos in many ways. We need volunteers and teachers, we need goods for our Recicla Shop, and we always need real pesos and dollars to support our staff, our scholarships, and to buy materials for our library. All of the Entreamigos projects and programs including the library, scholarships, community events and construction projects are supported entirely by private donations and by revenue generated in our on-site businesses. Entreamigos is a 501(c)3 non profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible in the United States. Click HERE to donate today!

Entreamigos primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho in Nayarit Mexico. To achieve these goals Entreamigos runs an art collective non-profit store, a library, a computer center and a collection of educational and community based workshops and initiatives. Entreamigos is entirely funded by donations and almost completely run by volunteers. To learn more about our programs and activities please visit entreamigos.org.mx.

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