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Experts Assess Pandemic in Jalisco

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – The Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, on Wednesday led a meeting of health authorities and experts in which an assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic in Jalisco was made, and the ‘traffic lights’ and projections of the disease were reviewed.

During the meeting, he stated that the State’s strategy for combatting the virus is going well, but, “This scenario is far from over, we still have a long way to go. We have taken the first steps, and the data for how well our strategy has worked is encouraging, but it also tells us that we are in a phase of acceleration of infections.

“As the State’s economy is gradually reactivated, the level of risk is going to rise, and that is why we have to take the preventive measures seriously and make them clear so people understand that this economic reactivation must be accompanied by a much more serious commitment to stay at home.”

University of Guadalajara (UdeG) health experts participated in the meeting, among them the rector general, Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí, who said that the “economic pandemic that Covid-19 has left in the state must be attended with the same intensity. We must work hand-in-hand with society to make this happen in a gradual and controlled manner.”

After thanking the Rector and acknowledging the contributions of UdeG, the Jalisco governor stated that the level of risk is going to rise during the stage that is coming next week, saying: “If people misunderstand the intention, if they think that reactivating the economy means we are already in a condition of returning to life as we knew it, there’s a huge risk of mistakes being made.”

For his part, Ricardo Villanueva asserted, “We have combined our intelligence so that this urgent economic reopening is done with the least number of risks, with a great number of strategies that ensure this is done in a gradual and controlled manner. What we saw today [the data] represents the capability of all of our researchers, who are working together to help the state make the best decisions for economic recovery. Thank you for continuing to include us.”

The conclusions and measures adopted by experts in the field and state authorities as a result of this meeting are expected to be announced on Friday, May 29, 2020.

Source: jalisco.gob.mx

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