76.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Giving Tuesday Support Pasitos de Luz

Pasitos de Luz (‘Little Steps of Light’), the local charity in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit that helps kids with disabilities to walk, talk and achieve amazing things, is looking for 130 people to join its #ImWithPasitos Google map for Giving Tuesday.

Volunteer Chris Jacobs explains the Pasitos de Luz fundraising campaign:

This year, Giving Tuesday is December 1st. It is the global day of generosity, when people all around the world give to the causes that speak to them. We are taking part in Giving Tuesday for the very first time (exciting!) and, if you think our cause deserves it, we invite you to take part too.

It’s simple. Join our #ImWithPasitos Google map, join in with Giving Tuesday 2020, and show your support for the work that we do with some of the most vulnerable kids in PV and Nayarit. We are using all the money raised to buy diapers, baby powder, baby wipes, food supplies, toilet paper and other essentials for when the kids return in early 2021. We also need to buy face masks, which we are desperately lacking.

Normally, at this time of year we would be planning our big annual fundraisers, such as the Fashion Show at The River Café. This year, however, is very different. COVID-19 has been devastating for us. We have not been able to run fundraisers since February, which is making 2021 look very precarious indeed for our families.

Pasitos de Luz is a lifeline for 130 families living on the breadline, many of whom are single moms. Some have escaped abuse, others are desperate to work to put food on the table. We are the safe place for their child with disability to be looked after and helped to be the best they can be. We celebrated 20 years as a registered Mexican charity on November 20th!

Are you with us?

If you would like to join the Pasitos de Luz #ImWithPasitos campaign for GivingTuesday, please visit the Pasitos de Luz website, or send an email to Chris at info(at)pasitosdeluz.org.

Located near San Vicente, Nayarit, a short hop from Mezcales, Pasitos de Luz is a marvelous day care facility for children with special needs. This non-profit organization provides children with various disabilities with a caring and loving environment, along with treatment for individual rehabilitation, nutritional meals, physical stimulation and therapy. For more information, Click HERE or visit PasitosDeLuz.org.

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