60.3 F
Puerto Vallarta

How Vallarta Tax Dollars Will Be Spent

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña recently announced a new plan to improve public services and to support the families that need it most. Now, when paying Puerto Vallarta property taxes, citizens can choose the public works and actions in which this resource should be invested through the Presupuesto Participativo (Participatory Budget) program.

He specified explained that, with the income obtained from property taxes, the municipal government seeks to have more efficient public services, and to maintain the continuity of the actions and programs that improve the quality of life for families who need it most, but reiterated the importance of deciding together the destination of this resource.

Dávalos Peña specified that at the time of making the payment of their property tax in one of the collection points, citizens will have the opportunity to fill out the Tu Predial hace la diferencia “Your Property makes a difference” Participatory Budget ballot, in which they will list from 1 to 7, the areas where they want their taxes to be applied, whether in security, public spaces, public cleaning, street paving, public lighting, backpacks, uniforms and school insurance, or specify some other item.

He reiterated that with the transparent and efficient management of resources, the municipal government that he leads has made important progress that has made it possible to change the quality of life for many families in the municipality, and that the public works and actions required by the population will continue to be prioritized.

The mayor reported that, as of last week, the people of Vallarta can make their property tax payments with discounts of 15 percent for those who pay during the month of January; 10 percent for those who do it in February, and 5 percent discount for those who pay in March.

Likewise, he indicated that for prompt payment, special discounts of 50 percent are applied to retired, pensioned, disabled or widowed people, senior citizens between 60 and 74 years old, as well as social assistance institutions and religious associations. People between 75 and 79 years of age will get a 60 percent discount on their property tax and for those over 80, the discount will be 80 percent.

Puerto Vallarta municipal government news bulletin translated and edited by Diego Sancho for BanderasNews.com.

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