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Puerto Vallarta

Jalisco Closes Entertainment Venues

Update: For a list of Puerto Vallarta entertainment venues, restaurants, tours and other businesses that have closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, visit GayPV.com, and check back frequently for the latest news and updates.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Yesterday, the Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, decreed that as of today, new measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 would be put into place at entertainment venues throughout the State where, to date, seven people have tested positive for the coronavirus.

Through his social networks, the Governor announced that, based on WHO criteria and in coordination with municipalities, the decision had been made to temporarily close all party and event venues, casinos, nightclubs, bars and cantinas in the State of Jalisco.

Cinemas, restaurants, and gyms may remain open, but have been instructed to reinforce extraordinary hygienic measures and decrease the number of people allowed in their establishments at the same time. Capacity will be reduced by up to 50% in cinemas, and up to 25% in restaurants, in order to maintain social distancing of between one and two meters per person.

According to the mandate, the Jalisco Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks will be in charge of supervising businesses’ compliance with these measures, and those that do not comply with the restrictions will be permanently closed.

“This decision has not been easy, but what seems exaggerated today will be insufficient tomorrow. In Jalisco we are prepared to prevent a massive spread of COVID-19, but if you stay at home we are already on the other side. If we join together as a team, we will prevent a health alert and we will be able to move forward,” the Governor said.

According to a report issued by the Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ) on Tuesday, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state has risen to seven; five confirmed cases with mild symptoms, and two asymptomatic carriers who tested positive but did not present clinical evidence of the disease. All seven people afflicted with the virus remain in isolation in their homes in Guadalajara and Zapopan.

If you suspect that you have the disease or show symptoms related to it, the SSJ says that you should stay at home and call 333-823-3220 before even thinking about going to a hospital. More information about COVID-19 in the state can be found at coronavirus.jalisco.gob.mx

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