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Jalisco Continues To Create New Jobs

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – In the complicated economic environment caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Jalisco managed to create 11,165 new jobs during the month of September, putting it in third place nationwide for formal job creation, according to figures from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Of the total generated in the state, 7,495 correspond to permanent jobs and 3,670 to temporary jobs.

With this figure, the entity reaches 1,769,661 insured workers and the trend of job recovery that began in August, when 15,861 new jobs were created, continues.

Sinaloa and Nuevo León were, together with Jalisco, the three entities that generated the most jobs nationwide with 13,919, 13,307 and 11,165 new jobs respectively.

In the opposite trend, the entities that registered a decrease in the number of jobs available were Mexico City with 2,980 lost jobs; Puebla with 1,882, Colima with 273 and Guerrero with 59.

The economic conditions in Jalisco have allowed the generation of 52,293 new jobs from January to September, which were created in the months of January, February, August and September, since between March and July there were fewer jobs registered due to the effects of the pandemic.

The Government of Jalisco continues to provide economic certainty through the Jalisco Plan for Economic Reactivation, through which more than 1.70 million pesos have been allocated to support companies in maintaining their payroll and operations.

Source: jalisco.gob.mx

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