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Puerto Vallarta

Jalisco Governor Oversees Work on Costalegre Airport

Jalisco Governor Oversees Work on Costalegre Airport

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – On his June 1st work tour of the Jalisco Coast, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez supervised the progress of the construction of the Costalegre airfield to ensure that the airport will have the appropriate infrastructure, the corresponding permits, and the capacity to receive planes from different parts of the world for tourism purposes.

“There were those who believed that it was not going to happen, but the work is already advancing. This is a central element of speeding up the development of the Costalegre; [the airport] is a priority project for the State that will be crystallized by the end of 2022,” said the Governor of Jalisco.

He added that it is about having an international-scale connectivity infrastructure in the middle of the Jalisco coast. With the Puerto Vallarta airport operating on the North Coast and the Manzanillo-Costalegre International Airport in the south, the airstrip will make it possible to articulate a connectivity system that will mean a huge boost for the development of the area.

“It is a clear sign that the Government of Jalisco is willing to make this a reality, which for various reasons had been postponed, and we can now give certainty and confidence to people who want to invest in this land of Tomatlan, a land of opportunities,” said the Mayor of Tomatlán, Daniel Ruiz Benavides. He emphasized that infrastructure projects like this will generate the long-awaited economic and social development of the region’s inhabitants.

The project is in its first stage with an investment of 30 million, in which the construction of 150 meters long x 23 meters wide runways, a one hectare cement platform paved with asphalt, and the first terminal building of 280 square meters are underway, in addition to meeting all the requirements to be able to have the airport concession.

Source: Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco

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