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Jalisco Preparing First Generation of Electromobility Engineers

Jalisco Preparing First Generation of Electromobility Engineers

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – In order to meet the demand for talent from automotive companies looking to relocate to Mexico, Jalisco is preparing the first generation of electromobility engineers.

“This is in order to ensure that the plants receive talent from Jalisco and that it is an incentive for them to relocate here,” the head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Roberto Arechederra, told El Economista.

Although the intention is for this career to be included in all universities; initially it will start at the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI) of the University of Guadalajara, at the Universidad Panamericana (UP) and at the Tec de Monterrey.

“What is being evaluated at the moment is the design of the study plans to see if it can be integrated as a concluding specialization of the already existing occupational studies, which could be the fastest way to move on to a career,” explained the official.

According to Xavier Orendain, General Strategic Coordinator of Growth and Economic Development, Jalisco is betting on attracting the largest number of Asian companies that are looking to relocate to Mexico.

“China has turned out to be a strategic partner in these times; we are in talks with a Chinese automotive company that is looking to come to Mexico,” said Orendain.

During the inauguration of Jalisco Talent Land, the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, highlighted that in order to take advantage of the nearshoring opportunities, the state must bet on the formation of talent and human capital.

He mentioned that through the Jalisco Tech Hub Act public policy, the state government will make “a million-dollar investment in the next two years” that will be destined to regularize the teaching of English in basic education, strengthen technological careers and bet on a middle and higher education system with a focus on high-tech industries.

Jalisco currently has 16,705 enrolled in information technology careers; 26,897 enrolled in engineering and 3,660 graduates of information technology careers in the last year.

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