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Jalisco Preparing for Covid Vaccine

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – Jalisco is the first state in Mexico to start preparing to receive, distribute and administer the vaccine against Covid-19, Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez announced on Friday, when signing the collaboration agreement with Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí, the rector of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), which will provide its infrastructure and medical team once the doses reach the State.

“From this moment on, our state has once again become the first in the republic to start the preparation of all the logistical construction that is needed for the application of the vaccine against Covid-19,” explained the Governor.

The strategy presented on Friday morning includes a Vaccination Network, the strengthening of the RADAR active detection system, and the reinforcement of complementary measures for health.

Radar Jalisco will take the next step to reinforce its diagnostic tasks and will become the logistics platform for the application of the vaccine. “Jalisco is once again an example of anticipation and preparation,” added Alfaro Ramírez.

Alfaro Ramírez reminded that timely decisions will continue to be the difference between life and death. The Governor announced that these measures are complemented with those that have been taken in Jalisco since the beginning of the pandemic, such as the timely suspension of classes, implementation of an effective surveillance system and social isolation, along with the reconversion of hospitals to ensure that 30 percent occupancy is never exceeded and activation of the ‘Emergency Button’ to reduce the number of active Covid-19 cases.

UdeG rector Ricardo Villanueva spoke about the preparatory work for any scenario regarding vaccines, especially with the three laboratories that are in phase 3 (Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and Cansino), since the logistics for the storage and distribution of each of them are quite different.

Villanueva gave some data to measure the logistical challenge that will represent for the country to distribute and apply 198 million doses, 324 percent more than Mexico has ever applied, for which he said the University of Guadalajara’s infrastructure, which includes its headquarters, deep-freezing equipment, refrigeration and medical personnel at the service of the State of Jalisco.

“All the infrastructure of the University will be put to the service of Jalisco, and this means the human resources of nursing, public health, doctors, all our social service workers from the CUCEI team of biologists, along with training in the handling of biologicals and everything else that has to do with logistics, training, and infrastructure,” he explained.

The private initiative will also join in these logistical works. Xavier Orendáin endorses the commitment and will be the link to the Jalisco business community, which will be a force factor in the application of vaccines.

The General Coordinator of Strategic Social Development, Anna Bárbara Casillas García, reported the purchase of 60,000 doses of antigen tests, which detect the virus faster than PCR tests. Jalisco is the second state to start the application of these doses that will be used for the staggered return to classes that’s projected for next year.

It was also reported that five new modules will be installed in Jalisco for taking samples, which will make it possible to increase the taking of 5,000 more tests per month.

The Secretary of Health, Fernando Petersen Aranguren, said that to prevent the spread of the virus, it is necessary for around 70% of the world’s population to be immune, so Jalisco is preparing to receive, distribute and administer the vaccine against COVID-19.

Currently, of the 48 vaccines in clinical trials and 164 in preclinical evaluation registered with the World Health Organization, three could be available in Mexico the soonest: CanSino Biologics, Pfizer-Biotech and Astra Zeneca, the latter two are in phase 3 studies.

He said that one of the most advanced vaccines with promising results is the Pfizer vaccine, yet it requires a very low storage temperature (-70° C).

The Health Secretary recalled that given the current panorama and the arrival of the cold season, vaccination against influenza becomes important for the reduction of respiratory infections and their severity, adding that some studies speak of the beneficial effects of the flu vaccination in reducing the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

This year, around 300,000 more influenza vaccines will be applied than the previous year to risk groups such as children under five years of age, older adults from 60 years of age, pregnant women, people with chronic degenerative diseases or under treatment with immunosuppressants, and health personnel.

Jalisco has already received 1,474,140 vaccines, of which 1,69,387 have been applied, and it is expected the state will receive 862,518 more.

As part of this new stage of the plan, the Government of Jalisco will reinforce the RETO program to promote a culture of well-being at a physical and mental level, guaranteeing universal access, promoting community integration and the generation of awareness.

Finally, in addition to the announcement of the comprehensive strategy, the government of Jalisco and the UdeG signed a collaboration agreement between the Health Regions and the University Network for the safeguarding and distribution of vaccines, if necessary, as well as for the application of the same (greater coverage and optimization of resources).

With this signature, support is guaranteed to vaccinate more people through social service providers, volunteer personnel, a headquarters and training support.

Source: jalisco.gob.mx

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