Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico – The Annual Mexican Red Cross Collection commenced last week in Jalisco, under the theme “We Are All Heroes”. This yearly campaign aims to garner support from the local community to bolster the good works carried out by this esteemed institution.
Joanna Santillán, the Jalisco Volunteer Coordinator, emphasized the importance of ongoing acts of solidarity, not just during the campaign. She urged everyone to contribute, whether through the Red Cross or other institutions, advocating for solidarity, empathy, and service to become ingrained values. “Until we make solidarity, empathy and the value of service a way of life at all levels and at all times,” she added.
She also recognized the medical team that is part of the Red Cross Family, the doctors as well as the nursing staff. “You have decided to welcome suffering humanity with open arms, you have seen with eyes of empathy those who need help the most in the most difficult moments and, that must make you feel deeply proud,” she said.
Miguel Ángel Domínguez Morales, the state delegate of the Red Cross, disclosed that in the past year alone, the Jalisco Red Cross provided 34,000 free ambulance services and 700,000 medical and emergency interventions, encompassing a wide range of conditions from traumatic injuries to chronic diseases. Services for homeless individuals increased by 15%, and preventive health campaigns were conducted, including colposcopy screenings for the timely detection of cervical and breast cancer.
“The solidarity of the people of Jalisco also allows us to bring food to those who need it most. Our commitment is, and will continue to be, helping, just as we did during the passage of Hurricane Lidia, which seriously affected 10 municipalities in Jalisco and where, thanks to solidarity of the Jaliscienses, the Mexican Red Cross distributed 127,328 kilos of humanitarian aid to the poorest households that were affected by the storm,” he added.
Fernando Petersen Aranguren, Secretary of Health in Jalisco, encouraged everyone to contribute and praised the Red Cross’s work. Government personnel, including those from various state agencies, pledged support through voluntary donations, with contributions set at 1% of their monthly salary, payable in up to four installments.
The Mexican Red Cross’s annual fundraising campaign runs through May 31. If you would like to support this worthy cause, contributions can be made online at cruzrojamexicana.org.mx.