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Home"Jalisco's Funniest Human Being" - Gil Gevins

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"Jalisco's Funniest Human Being"

a profile of long-time Vallarta resident Gil Gevins

Gil Gevins
Gil Gevins, named “Jalisco’s Funniest Human Being”, is a twenty-five year Puerto Vallarta resident.

Gil Gevins, named “Jalisco’s Funniest Human Being”, is a twenty-five year Puerto Vallarta resident. He began his writing career in the eleventh grade when he founded his school’s first junior class newspaper. The paper, which he wrote himself and contained a review panning the school play, was banned after one issue.

After high school, he attended Cornell University where, incredibly enough, he received a degree in Wildlife Biology. For several years after graduating, he worked as a fire lookout. During the course of his tenture as a fire lookout, he wrote three novels, all of which were destroyed in a fire which Gil failed to report because he was too busy doing something unmentionable with a female fire lookout from a neighboring district.

Once he and the federal government decided to part ways, he moved to California where he spent two years as the principle feature writer for the Berkeley Barb, America’s premier underground newspaper.

After that, not much is known about his activities until he showed up in Puerto Vallarta in early 1983, where he hunted down and married his former girlfriend, Lucy.

Today, he and Lucy run Lucy’s Cucu Cabana, which has been named by Folk-Art Magazine: “The World’s Greatest Folk-Art Shop!”

In his spare time, he continues to write and has just published his third book of mostly true short stories, entitled: Puerto Vallarta On a Donkey a Day. The previous two books ‘Refried Brains’ and ‘Puerto Vallarta on 49 Brain Cells a day’ are highly entertaining must-reads for anyone that’s been to Puerto Vallarta, plans on visiting, or just wants to laugh it up with some wild and whacky tales of life south of the border of insanity.

Gevin’s books are available for purchase at Lucy’s Cucu Cabana at 295 Basilio Badillo (Restaurant Row), through the website www.GilGevins.com, Amazon.com or you can attempt to pry one from the hands of one of his readers, but be warned…they won’t give the books up too easily.

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