Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Internationally known and well respected Spirit medium Kennedy Morgan has earned the reputation as the “go-to guy” for evidential mediumship in Banderas Bay. A profoundly gifted spirit medium, Kennedy’s talents are often compared to those of celebrity mediums like Monica Ten-Kate, Tyler Henry (The Hollywood Medium), and Theresa Caputo (The Long Island Medium).
Evidential mediumship is a form of communication where the medium provides detailed, verifiable information about those who have passed. This ‘evidence’ leaves no doubt for loved ones in the physical world, creating undeniable connections with the spirit realm.
Kennedy’s work has the power to transform lives. His mediumship not only convinces skeptics of life beyond death but also affirms the soul’s eternal nature and the everlasting power of love. Testimonials highlight that his messages from the spirit world offer hope and healing, comforting those in grief and providing clarity and guidance for those seeking direction.
“Still trying to wrap my head around the chance encounter we had this afternoon with Medium Kennedy Morgan at his Mystic Circle Cafe in Puerto Vallarta… We did not know he was a Medium at first. He asked if he could ask me something and then inquired if I had recently lost my father. He proceeded to tell both my husband and me things that NO ONE would know. Every single thing he addressed was 100% on the money and things I have been struggling with. My Father came through with messages that I so needed to hear, as well as messages that my Mother so desperately needed to hear. This will now affect how I will be moving forward in my life. This skeptical cynic has been checked….” – Cheryl Parker
Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, or somewhere in between, don’t miss Kennedy Morgan’s first demonstration of the season at Mystic Circle Cafe on Friday, November 15, 2024, from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Experience firsthand his remarkable connection to the other side as he delivers powerful messages of healing, comfort, clarity, and guidance to audience members from their loved ones in spirit—it’s an event that could change your life!
Tickets are available at the door or you can secure your spot in advance at https://kennedymorganmedium.net/index.php/product/wine-and-spiritsnov-15th-2024/
30% of net proceeds from the event will be donated to Rise Puerto Vallarta Orphanage.

R.I.S.E. (Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza) is a privately funded, 50-bed children’s shelter in Puerto Vallarta, providing a loving environment for children who are “at risk” at home or have no home. These resilient children range in age from newborn to mid-teens. For 20 years RISE has operated with a combination of a great staff and a team of volunteers that keep RISE running. RISE is 100% funded through private donations and fundraising is a huge part of our ability to provide these children with nutritional meals, education, medical and dental services, activities, clothing & more. Learn more at risepv.com.