69.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Mandatory Vehicle Emissions Testing and Verification

Mandatory Vehicle Emissions Testing and Verification

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – The Government of Jalisco is working to improve environmental conditions and the preservation of the state’s ecosystems. One of the most important actions is related to the improvement of air quality, for which the Comprehensive Air Quality Management Policy, Jalisco Respira, was created; and which responds to several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In this context, the Responsible Vehicle Verification Program (PVR) was created, which contributes to improving air quality, and thereby improving people’s health, thus guaranteeing the human right to a healthy environment.

In the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, there are currently two authorized Responsible Vehicle Verification Centers; one is ready to start operations with its trained and evaluated staff, and the other is in the process of obtaining municipal permits for its construction.

As of April 1, all private vehicles whose license plate ends with the number 4 will have two months to carry out the emissions testing and verification process, and each month the plate ending number will be changing for the rest of the vehicles in the municipality. To consult the official calendar, visit verificacionresponsable.jalisco.gob.mx.

Vehicles with license plates from other states that circulate permanently must also undergo the verification test according to the official calendar. In the case of those who circulate occasionally, they must process the Temporary Stay Pass for 30 days per semester and can be administered according to the needs of the visitor.

This requirement does not restrict the entry or transit through Jalisco, it is an official document that serves to verify that you are not residing in a place, so you are not required to carry out a vehicular verification according to the Regulation of the State Law of the Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection in Vehicle Verification.

It is important to mention that, in accordance with the provisions of Mexico’s General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, all States are required to have a Mandatory Vehicle Verification Program (PVVO) otherwise, an environmental crime is being committed. This means all owners of a motor vehicle have the obligation to comply with this responsibility.

The cost of having your vehicle tested and verified is $500 Pesos.

The resources generated through the Responsible Verification program will be allocated to the Jalisco Environmental Fund, which carries out projects and actions that contribute to improving the quality of the air and the environment for the benefit of the people of Jalisco, such as: fighting and preventing forest fires, the creation of bike paths, a sustainable transportation system and an atmospheric monitoring network, among others.

For more information and to make your appointment, visit verificacionresponsable.jalisco.gob.mx.

Source: Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco

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