93.1 F
Puerto Vallarta

Masks are Still Mandatory in Some Places in Jalisco

Masks are Still Mandatory in Some Places in Jalisco

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Although the wearing of masks is no longer mandatory for most activities in Jalisco, there are some places where they must still be worn.

Masks continue to be required in all health care facilities and while using public transportation and within their facilities, such as airports, cruise ports, bus and rail stations. The measure also applies to both passengers and drivers of taxis, Uber, InDriver and all other rideshare platforms.

The mask mandate was established in Jalisco in March of 2020 and, 26 months later, new provisions were published in the Official Newspaper of the State of Jalisco on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. They read as follows:

“The correct use of face masks, covering the mouth and nose, is mandatory for all people who are on public transportation and facilities for its users, such as bus stations, airports, ports and public transport stations; as well as health care facilities, both public and private, such as hospitals, health centers, clinics or offices, pharmacies, clinical analysis laboratories or any place where medical services are provided.

The use of the face mask may be required in those public or private establishments that consider it pertinent, in accordance with the recommendations issued by the World Health Organization.

The continuous use of face masks in public spaces is recommended for anyone over 60 years of age, in a state of pregnancy or immediate puerperium, or with a diagnosis of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, chronic heart or lung disease, immunosuppression (acquired or caused), as well as renal or hepatic insufficiency.”

It is important to highlight that the Governor called for decision-making capacity if necessary, since worldwide outbreaks of Covid-19 have occurred in different regions of other continents. Likewise, the call is made to the population that has some type of respiratory disease to wear the mask as an individual responsibility.

Sources: Tribuna de la BahíaVallarta Independiente

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