Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Dr. Jaime Álvarez Zayas, director of the Eighth Health Region, reported that the La Lija module will be open on Monday, January 17, to apply the 7,000 (+/-) doses of AstraZeneca that remained after last week’s vaccination clinics in Puerto Vallarta.
In addition to COVID Boosters (3rd dose) for adults over 60, and second shots for those over 18 years of age who received the first dose of AstraZeneca in October 2021, first doses will be offered to anyone who lives in Puerto Vallarta and has not yet been vaccinated.
The doctor indicated that even though large numbers of people showed up to be vaccinated at both the Naval Hospital and La Lija on Thursday and Friday, and almost 15,000 vaccines had been administered by noon on Friday, it was clear that there would be leftover doses, so they made plans to open the clinic again on Monday, January 17, 2022.
He pointed out that they will be offering the remaining AstraZeneca vaccines only at the La Lija module, which will be open from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, or until the supply has been exhausted.
It is important to emphasize that the vaccine that is being applied is AstraZeneca, no matter if it is the first dose for stragglers of legal age who have not yet been vaccinated, the second shot for those 18 and over who received their first vaccine in October, or the booster shot for adults ages 60 and over.
Requirements include a new copy of the registration form, proof of your first vaccine(s), an official ID for proof of age and proof of residence. Registration forms can be obtained at the federal mivacuna.salud.gob.mx website.
The La Lija Sports Unit is located at Pablo Franco #1000, Col. Lomas del Coapinole. (Click HERE for Google map.)
Sources: Vallarta Independiente • Tribuna de la Bahía