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Puerto Vallarta

May 2023 Puerto Vallarta Health News and Clinics

May 2023 Puerto Vallarta Health News and Clinics

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – As the founder of HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, Pamela Thompson is committed to providing locals and visitors with the most up-to-date health information and services. Here’s her May 2023 newsletter, which covers all the latest health news and clinics.

Happy Spring! We say good-bye to most of our winter snowbirds and we wish them a good summer. Life goes on here during the summer months! One just needs to move a bit slower with the heat and humidity. Best advice: STAY HYDRATED.

For the month of May, I have a special for you to find out.
Regular price: $203 pesos
Price in May: $150 pesos
There are several locations and you must have an order from me.
Let me know if you would like one.


Diana Miramontes, Nutritionist/Dietician
May 24, 2023 AT 9:00 am

If you have attended any of her programs, you know she is stellar! On May 24 she will be doing a presentation on how to get vitamins and minerals (good ones!) in the summer months with cool, refreshing smoothies and other healthy yummies. No charge. RSVP: pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. We hope to see you there!


We have a really great, complete and economical Women’s Check-up and for the month of May, we are offering a 10 percent discount! I had posted on Facebook with a big response but we still have plenty of spaces left. If you are interested in participating, please email me and I will send the details. We also have a good Men’s check-up as well.

Vallarta has a shortage on specific specialists. We work with two great endocrinologists but they have become so popular, it is several months for an appointment! Last month, thankfully we had a new endocrinologist move to Vallarta, Dr. Tirado. Do you need to see an endocrinologist for issues? Diabetes, thyroid issues and much more. If you would like an appointment, please email me your request.

And speaking of long waits – for dermatologists – I work with five and appointments have been averaging 2 to 5 months out! If you are returning in the fall, I suggest scheduling your dermatology appointment this summer! Let me know.


To participate in any of our clinics, please EMAIL with the request, indicate which clinic, complete name(s) of the person wishing to attend. I will acknowledge your request and send your appointment details shortly after. CONTACT: pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. All are cash unless otherwise noted.

May 11, 2023
Men’s Urology Clinic
Dr. Jonathan Robles
500 pesos
Discounted price on PSA and Urinalysis.

May 12, 2023
Vascular Clinic
Dr. Hector Escoto
600 pesos
Poor blood flow, especially in the legs, can cause a lot of pain, sometimes even a clot. Varicose veins as well. Our vascular specialist will evaluate completely and make recommendations.

May 12, 2023
Eye Clinic
Dr. Rodrigo Gonzales
500 pesos
Complete eye exam, pressure test.

May 17, 2023
Shoulder Clinic
Dr. Joel Galindo
500 pesos
Do you have shoulder pain? Osteoarthritis? Can you not lift your arms above your head? If you have any of these, this is a good clinic for you. Our orthopedic doing the clinic specializes in shoulders. Xray (2 views) available with a discount to be done prior to the clinic.

May 18 and May 24, 2023
Skin Clinic
Dr. Daniel Velasco
550 pesos
Dr. Velasco is an oncological surgeon and has done these extra-popular skin checks from head to toe for many years. He is checking for skin cancer (not dermatology issues).

May 25, 2023
Spine Clinic
Dr. Ricardo Martinez
500 pesos
Spine/Neck pain? This is a good time to have a consult with a specialist – with a 50 percent discount. Discounts on Xrays prior.

May 26, 2023
Mammogram Clinic
2,300 pesos (cash or credit card)
3D Tomosynthesis machine, low-pressure, low radiation.
Breast ultrasound included if deemed necessary.
Physical exam by oncologist.


With the summer months, there is more time to do some things that in the high season, we are not able to do. Several years ago (pre-Covid) during the summer months we would go to the movies once a week – discounted day and nice and cool. I will start that again.

Are you interested in doing a class? Decopauge, learn to crochet, making a Catrina doll and much more. I will try to get some things organized and out there.

Do you have an idea for a group activity? Can you do one yourself? Send on the info and let’s see what we can do! I am wide open for ideas!

If you would like to receive notifications of summer activities, please email me and let me know.


I am happy to accept anything from gently used clothes, baby layette items, smaller items for a bazaar, craft supplies (for kids), coloring books, crayons, medical supplies – I find a home for pretty much anything. If you have anything, you can contact me and we will gratefully accept.

I also post events, items, etc on my Facebook page.

Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, MRI, physician consults (all specialties), x-rays, lab studies, physical therapy, homecare – we have it all and if you need something scheduled, or just information, please email me.

Here’s to a happy, healthy and kind springtime in Puerto Vallarta!
Pam Thompson

Created to assist you in a sensitively personalized and caring manner, HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is committed to providing you with the most up-to-date health information and services. For more information, visit HealthCareResourcespv.com.

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