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Puerto Vallarta

Mexico’s ‘Hot Sale’ Offers Online Deals and Discounts

Mexico’s ‘Hot Sale’ Offers Online Deals and Discounts

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – E-commerce continues to be one of the most attractive shopping alternatives for Mexicans, thanks to the benefits of being able to purchase products and services from anywhere at any time of day.

To help more and more people become involved in electronic commerce, the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO) has been organizing the largest online sales campaign in the country since 2014. Called the “Hot Sale,” this 9-day Internet shopping event aims to promote electronic commerce in Mexico and highlight the many benefits that this medium offers consumers.

Offering exclusive online promotions and discounts on clothing, appliances, travel, health & beauty items, electronics, sporting goods, video games, pet supplies, home furnishings and decor, auto parts & accessories and more, the Hot Sale has something for everyone!

This year’s “Hot Sale” will take place from May 23-31, with some of Mexico’s largest online retail companies and e-commerce sites, including Walmart, AeroMexico, Office Depot, Costco, Sam’s Club, BestDay, Mercado libre, Telmex, Telcel, MacStore, Comex, HP, PayPal, Coppel, Ebay, Liverpool, Petco and Viva Aerobus, among others, all offering great discounts and exclusive deals to Internet shoppers.

“With the ‘Hot Sale’ event we are looking to bring in new users and motivate those have already bought online,” said AMVO president Eric Pérez-Grovas. “We know that people who buy on the Internet for the first time do it again because they experience the great benefits of this industry; according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, over 50% of internet users have made some sort of online purchase, and 97% intend to do so again,” he added.

With a format similar to “Cyber Monday,” the “Hot Sale” is the biggest annual online shopping event in Latin America, not just in Mexico, but also in other countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Colombia.

For more “Hot Sale Mexico” information (in Spanish) and the full list of participating online retailers, visit hotsale.com.mx.

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