Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico – Regarding an alleged disarmament of elements of the Puerto Vallarta Citizen Security Directorate Commissioner, Captain Luis Fernando Muñoz Ortega, explained the situation:
“It is important to clarify that we detected some elements who have not finished the permit process for carrying weapons and, to avoid falling into illegality, I determined that they will not use their weapons until the corresponding procedure is completed, which was left aside in previous administrations. In addition to this, I remind you that we have a long list of new officers who have just been incorporated, and are also in the process of working on the corresponding procedures for firearm possession permits.”
He also clarified that the rumor that the SEDENA (Secretary of National Defense) disarmed them is false, since he was the one who gave the instruction when he realized that past administrations had neglected to update the weapons licenses of some officers, so he reassigned them a service where they are accompanied by personnel who do carry a weapon or some economic service where they do not put their integrity at risk. He specified that the sole objective of this measure is to comply with the provisions of la Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives) and its regulations.
He stated that there are also about 50 elements that a few months ago finished their preparation at the municipal academy and joined the ranks of the corporation, in addition to several accredited elements that come from other corporations and joined Puerto Vallarta this year.
Finally, he specified that the Official Collective License (LOC) is renewed every 2 years to register incoming and outgoing personnel, and the next expiration is in 2023; the police identification credentials that authorize the carrying of weapons, as this identification is known, are valid for 6 months, and it is in April and October when they are printed by the state.
Source: Metrópoli Bahía