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Nayarit Imposes Covid-19 Restrictions

Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico – Due to an increase in the number of contagions, on Tuesday morning, Governor Antonio Echevarria Garcia announced new restrictive measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in the State of Nayarit. Together with the Board of Health, the Governor determined to reinforce prevention and control measures in places where large numbers of people gather.

The governor made the following statement on Tuesday, July 13, via his social networks:

“This morning the COVID-19 table met, where the central issue was the worrying increase in positive cases in the state. In recent days, there has been an increase in hospitalized people, reaching almost 50% of the care capacity.

The situation is alarming, and for this reason, we have determined to reinforce prevention and control measures, such as the following:

1. Restaurants and Restaurant-Bars, which mainly sell food, must close at 10:00 pm.
2. Bars, billiard halls, nightclubs, and the like must close at 9 pm. Maximum capacity 70%.
3. Businesses that do not sell alcohol or food must close at 12 midnight.

In addition to the above, joint preventive operations will be carried out between the Armed Forces, COESPRISNAY, Citizen Security and Prosecutors, in order to verify the health protocols. These measures will begin to apply from today, and until further notice.

Despite the fact that in Nayarit 30% of the population has received at least one vaccination, we cannot allow ourselves to lower our guard.

Let’s keep taking care of ourselves!

Let’s be responsible!”

Regarding in-person summer courses in the State of Nayarit, the Secretary of Public Safety, Jorge Benito Rodriguez Martinez, said they should not be held, but it will be the SEP who will have to apply the necessary measures. “They should never have started,” he said.

These new schedules and restrictions are now in force in all 20 municipalities of the state, including the Riviera Nayarit – a popular summer vacation destination.

Sources: The official Facebook page of the Government of Nayarit,  Vallarta Independiente

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