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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Plans Bike Lanes

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The Municipal Government, through the Vallarta Avanza program, is working on the development of a master plan that will provide citizens with a more sustainable mobility option through the creation of a bicycle lane system on various roads in Puerto Vallarta.

One such road is Avenida México where, on Wednesday, local authorities and representatives of several of the city’s cycling groups met to contemplate the details of the bike lane system, which will run from the Municipal Administrative Unit (UMA) to Avenida Francisco Medina Ascencio.

As they made their way along the route, the group also exchanged points of view, and discussed how they could work together as a team to ensure the safety of those who will use the bike lanes every day.

In this regard, the head of Strategic Projects, Guillermo Salcedo Guerrero, explained that the intention is to intervene a bi-directional bicycle lane on this avenue, “to continue promoting the issue of micromobility. We want there to be an alternative mode of transportation, to raise citizen awareness that we have to move differently [in order to diminish our impact on the environment].”

He specified that the project contemplates the generation of a bicycle path in both directions, the placement of rubber tires for the protection of cyclers, and the installation of traffic signals at all crossings or intersections to take care of both pedestrians and cyclists.

Obviously, the mayor’s promotion of safe and sustainable mobility and similar public policies are supported by all of the bicycling groups in Puerto Vallarta. “As an engineer, Arturo Dávalos has always been concerned about the issue of how we are going to move in the future, and this is part of a master plan that we are going to implement and that we plan to finish in the coming months,” said the official.

Source: puertovallarta.gob.mx

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