69.7 F
Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Storm Season Preparedness

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Rainy season, which usually runs from mid-June to October in Puerto Vallarta and the greater Banderas Bay area, is just around the corner. Our rainstorms are generally short and roll in during the evening or early morning, but did you know that Puerto Vallarta’s rainy season coincides with the Pacific hurricane season?

While the size of Banderas Bay (the second largest on the Pacific Ocean) and the surrounding shelter of the Sierra Madre mountain range provide us with natural storm protection, Puerto Vallarta can receive tropical storm warnings, which occasionally are upgraded to hurricane warnings.

Normally, we just get a few months of incredible thunder and lightning shows, but as we learned with Hurricane Kenna in 2002 and Hurricane Lily in 1971, it is smart to have some emergency items close at hand during the stormy season, just in case.

First-Aid Kit – These can be purchased at any local pharmacy or grocery store. Remember to add a small supply of any prescription medications that you may require.

Bottled Water – You will need about 4 liters per day, per person.

Food – Stock up with non-perishable goods that can be eaten without cooking. Remember to add in a non-electric can opener, paper plates, plastic utensils and resealable bags.

Flashlights – Along with extra batteries, candles, and matches or a lighter.

Radio – Battery operated and/or a NOAA weather radio

Telephones – Fully charged cell phone with extra battery and, if you have a land-line, a traditional (not cordless) telephone

Cash – Small bills and some Credit Cards (Banks and ATMs may not be available for extended periods of time.)

Extra Clothing – Packed in a sealed plastic bag. Don’t forget rain gear and sturdy shoes

Personal Hygiene – Hand sanitizer, face masks, antibacterial wipes, toothbrushes and toothpaste and any other sanitary items you may require.

Important Documents – Including insurance policies, medical records, bank information, Social Security card, etc., should be placed in a waterproof container or watertight resealable plastic bag.

Tools – Keep a basic set on hand for repairs before, during, and after a storm

While the chance of an actual hurricane blowing into Puerto Vallarta only rolls around every 35 years or so, our rainy season winds occasionally knock out the electricity, so having these items stocked in a safe and accessible place makes good sense.

A little preparedness provides peace of mind, so you can relax and enjoy the lush and beautiful summer season in Puerto Vallarta.

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