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Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta Walking Tours Cobblestone Streets

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The cobblestone streets of Puerto Vallarta lend to the charm of the historic city center. Although some would call them dangerous, due in part to their uneven surface and ability to form potholes, the original use of cobblestones during the early days was quite practical.

Paving with cobblestones allowed a road to be heavily used all year long. It prevented the build-up of ruts often found in dirt roads, and had the additional advantage of not getting muddy in wet weather, or dusty in dry weather. Shod horses or mules were able to get better traction on stone cobbles and, although the noise of riding over cobblestones might have been annoying, it was actually considered good as it warned pedestrians of oncoming traffic… horse, mule or automobile!

The natural materials or “cobbles,” a geological term, originally referred to any small stone having dimensions between 2.5 and 10″ (6.4 and 25.4 cm) and rounded by the flow of water; essentially, a large pebble.

Cobblestones are typically either set in sand or similar material, or are bound together with cement or asphalt. Cobblestones set in sand have the environmental advantage of being permeable paving and of moving rather than cracking with movements in the ground.

In Puerto Vallarta, the making or remaking of a cobblestone street begins with the leveling of the underlying dirt. Then comes sand. Next parallel lines of larger stones are laid in rows, sometimes with cement holding them in place. Rows are them filled in with the smaller stones. Finally, sand or cement is packed around all the stones and left to settle with gaps filled in as needed. Repair of potholes tends to be a mixture of stones, sand, cement, pulverized terra cotta, or asphalt.

Today, the original streets in the historic downtown area of Puerto Vallarta are required to remain in keeping with the original construction.

Walking on cobblestones has long been considered good exercise depending on the distance, frequency, surface and grade. Local Yoga and Movement therapist Via Anderson has written, “Find and walk on the many cobblestone walks here (in Vallarta). Walking on cobblestones a few times daily with bare feet (preferred) or minimal shoes (to protect from debris) provides stimulation to the foot musculature that in turn adapts by becoming stronger and better able to handle these forces for longer periods of time… and may be significant in reversing aging.”

So keep on walking folks! Join one of my walking tours for even more fun and enjoyment. Maybe one day we can do it in bare feet!

Sandra Cesca has traveled the world, but found herself returning to Mexico more and more. She moved to Puerto Vallarta in 2008 and never looked back. She currently offers eight different Puerto Vallarta Walking Tours, which include history, architecture, culture, artisanal crafts and ecology. Her photos and articles can be found on puertovallartawalkingtours.com; yourculturalinsider.com; sandracescaphotography.com; Instagram and Facebook. She can be contacted at sandra.learn.vallarta(at)gmail.com; or sandra.cesca.photography(at)gmail.com.

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