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Puerto Vallarta

Purr Project Vallarta Oct 2020 News

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Here’s the latest news from Purr Project, a non-profit, no-kill feline shelter located just north of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal of adopting them out to loving homes sterilized, vaccinated and disease free.


The intense tropical rains continued throughout September, but fortunately no hurricanes, no downed trees and no major flooding at the shelter! José and Carlos were able to repair leaks in the ranch house and the Nursery roof. Their children have classes on television as schools are still closed.

A cat “census” showed we currently have 156 adult cats and 58 kittens at PuRR Project. We had five kittens, plus a mama and four babies, dumped at the shelter but only had seven adoptions for the month at the PetCo (we had 18 adoptions at their Pet Adoption Center in August), so we still have lots of kitties that need homes.

Our faithful Kitten Kuddlers go to the PuRR Shelter every week to help Dra. Eva socialize the many cats and kittens in need of human attention. They also bathe the new kittens and clean 24 litter boxes. It’s a long, hot, sweaty day… but they love it!


Last month was our Virtual Adoption Month and we were so pleased to add these folks as Virtual Parents to a PuRR cat: Catherine Goglia, James Shoemaker, Eve Edwards and Steve Stowall (who adopted TWO cats!). You, too, can help us continue to give these adult cats a safe home and medical care for life. It’s only $120 for one year and easy to pick your kitty on the Purr Project website.

This week we are adding two new Virtual Adoption candidates to the website. Sigfried is a beautiful long-haired white cat with green/blue eyes. “Siggy” was Mr. February in the 2017 PuRR Calendar and was quickly adopted… and returned after a month for being too energetic for a home with an older cat. Two more adoption attempts failed, and he finally ended up back at the shelter, which is now his Forever Home. He gets lots of love and attention and weekly brushing from volunteers.

Ambar arrived at the shelter with her sister in the Spring of 2018. They were only four weeks old and so missed a lot of essential nursing and lessons from the mother cat. Unfortunately, they were never socialized enough to go out for adoption. Now living in the shelter gardens, Ambar is easy to spot with her beautiful long orange hair and fluffy tail. But she is still a wild child and does not let anyone get too close… unless you have a treat!


Lots of people are asking us about PuRR Project events for the upcoming season. By this time of year we would usually be announcing our first fundraisers. Sadly, as of this moment, we simply cannot make plans. We have plenty of donated goods for the usual November Garage Sale but it generates huge crowds and we are not comfortable with that yet. We have, however, sold some of the larger items online and made a few pesos there.

Kitty BINGO is another impossible event with large crowds gathering inside a closed space. Marilyn is looking into the possibility of doing some Beach BINGO games which would be outdoors and with spacing of tables. We’ll let everyone know via Facebook if we can work that out. We are also not scheduling regular Shelter Tours which usually begin in November. A van full of people is just not in the cards right now, even with wearing of face masks.

Safety for our volunteers as well as staff and supporters has to be our primary concern. Like the whole world, we are doing our best to plot our course through this difficult time. We remain hopeful that by this time next year, we’ll be sitting in air-conditioned comfort with happy winners yelling “Meow!”


Anastasia and her sister Alexandra were rescued by PuRR supporters back in May when they were about four months old. Alexandra, a Russian Blue, was quickly adopted but Anastasia was never chosen on her trips to PetCo. She lives up to her royal name and is a bit of a princess! She likes all the attention and would be best in a home where she is the only feline. Contact Linda at adopt@purrproject.com for more information on how to adopt.


The 2021 calendar is hot off the press and ready to go. Until we have some place where we can set up to sell calendars and our logo items, you can only get them here in Vallarta by contacting Marilyn Khan at exkhan(at)usfamily.net. They are still only $250 pesos and of course feature all the Mexican, US and Canadian holidays, as well as some of our photogenic PuRR kitties! MEOW!


We understand that it’s a hard year for everyone and that so many worthy causes need help. So we are grateful for every donation, large or small, and the good wishes that come with them. Thanks to all those who have set up monthly donations through PayPal or have Virtually Adopted or bought a 2021 calendar! And special thanks this month to Faye Cardenas & Keith Cowan, Cherri Gilmore, Sharon Tognetti-Weber, Richard Robertson, Bev Cairns & Joe Butcher, Carol Gisselquist, Diane & Greg Zarse, Heidi Benedict, Liz Ullyot and always… Gary Phillips.

For more Kitty News, please visit PurrProject.com.

PuRR Project is a Non-Profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes. All of our residents have been sterilized, vaccinated and are disease free. We accomplish this through our own efforts as well as collaboratively with other animal welfare organizations. Both monetary donations as well as donations of dry cat food are most welcome – and much appreciated. For more information, visit PuRRProject.com or send an email to info(at)PurrProject.com.

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