Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The 20 de noviembre elementary school, embedded in the heart of downtown Puerto Vallarta, is being rebuilt due to its poor structural conditions. According to authorities, the goal is to have the campus ready by the end of 2022, at the latest.
In an interview with GST Media, the head of the Regional Delegation of Educational Services (DRSE), Víctor Bernal Vargas, pointed out that the work is slow, due to the difficulties that the city center represents, however, reconstruction of the school must be completed by the end of this year.
“It is a campus within the city center that is in the process of a complete and comprehensive rehabilitation. Considering that it is a campus that, due to its age and the type of building as well, which is a very old structure, work is already very advanced… the roofs have just been poured, the image of the original campus will be respected,” said the official.
He added that it is not the only school with rehabilitative works underway. The 21 de marzo elementary school, located in Coapinole, is also being remodeled and this campus, specifically, is important since it is the one with the most demand in the entire city.
The 20 de noviembre elementary school is the oldest in Puerto Vallarta, with almost 100 years serving residents.
Source: Vallarta Independiente