69.9 F
Puerto Vallarta

Road to Paso Ancho, Paso del Molino, El Jorullo Closed for Repair

Road to Paso Ancho, Paso del Molino, El Jorullo Closed for Repair

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – On Tuesday, La Rivera street, which gives access to the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Paso Ancho, Paso del Molino and ejido El Jorullo among other communities, was closed to begin the reconstruction of that road, which was affected by the passage of Hurricane Nora last August.

Officials from the Public Works and Social Development directorates of the municipality and the State Secretariat of Infrastructure and Public Works (SIOP) met with representatives of the affected neighborhood associations to give them the details them of the road work, since it is the only access route for the families that live in this area as well as for eco-tourism companies.

The work was assumed by the State Government, after the preliminary work was carried out by the Municipal Government, and the project carried out by the Public Works Directorate will be respected. The existing concrete will be demolished and the construction of the new retaining wall will continue, which will force the permanent closure of the road.

For this reason, a provisional access was built, a ford that derives from Margarita Maza de Juárez street and passes over the Cuale river until it connects with La Rivera at the height of Álamo street. It can be accessed from the ‘Luis Donaldo Colosio’ Bypass through Pedro Moreno, Amado Nervo, Guillermo Prieto and Rivera del Río streets, when traveling from north to south (passing under the bridge), or through Amado Nervo, Pedro Moreno and Michelangelo, when traveling from south to north.

The neighborhood representatives help to socialize the issue with their neighbors and those responsible for area business establishments.

Source: El Vallartense Photos courtesy of Radio Universidad Puerto Vallarta 104.3 FM

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