Mexico City – In celebration of Teacher’s Day, Mexico’s Secretary of Public Education, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, on Sunday announced that, starting next year, there will be a staggered increase of between 3.2 and 1% for teachers who receive salaries of less than 20,000 pesos a month, this as part of the new educational policy.
The announcement was made during an event to celebrate National Teacher’s Day, chaired by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Before the President of Mexico, the official explained that for teachers who receive lower pay, the increase will be greater, until reaching an approximate salary of 14,300 pesos per month, which would represent an increase of 7.5%.
“The highest percentage will be received by the teachers who earn the least so that they reach a salary of 14,300 pesos per month,” said Gómez.
For this project, he said, the federal government plans to invest approximately 25 million pesos.
In this way, Gómez Álvarez assured that the government of the Republic supports the country’s teachers, recognizes their value and respects their diversity, especially because the country’s teachers did not give up and gave classes remotely during the COVID pandemic, bringing content closer to students, overcoming illnesses and deaths of relatives and colleagues.
“Thus, the government of the Republic ratifies its firmest commitment to the teachers of Mexico for their well-being and safety. A fair recognition of the effort, dedication and commitment in favor of education in our country, especially with lower-income education workers,” she said.
Sources: Animal Politico • Milenio